*! version 1.4.4 13mar2000 program define xtreg, eclass * touched by jwh version 6 if replay() { if `"`e(cmd)'"'==`"xtreg"' { xtreg_`e(model)' `0' exit `e(rc)' } else if `"`e(cmd2)'"' == "xtreg" { `e(cmd)' `0' exit `e(rc)' } error 301 /*NOTREACHED*/ } qui q born local afwgt = cond($S_1<14679, "aw", "fw") syntax varlist [if] [iw `afwgt' pw] [, BE FE RE MLE PA GEE * ] if "`gee'" != "" { local pa "pa " } if ("`be'"!="")+("`fe'"!="")+("`re'"!="")+("`pa'"!="")>1 { di in red "choose only one of be, fe, re, or pa" exit 198 } if `"`be'"'!=`""' | `"`fe'"'!=`""' { if `"`mle'"'!=`""' | `"`pa'"'!=`""' { error 198 } } else { if `"`mle'"'!=`""' & `"`pa'"'!=`""' { error 198 } } if `"`be'"'!=`""' { if "`weight'" != "" { di in red "`weight' not allowed with be model" exit 101 } xtreg_be `varlist' `if' /* [`weight'`exp'] */, `options' } else if `"`fe'"'!=`""' { if "`weight'" != "" { di in red "`weight' not allowed with fe model" exit 101 } xtreg_fe `varlist' `if' /* [`weight'`exp'] */, `options' } else { if `"`mle'"' == `""' & `"`pa'"' == `""' { if "`weight'" != "" { di in red "`weight' not allowed with re model" exit 101 } xtreg_re `varlist' `if' /* [`weight'`exp']*/ , `options' exit } if `"`mle'"' == `""' { xtgee `varlist' `if' [`weight'`exp'], `options' est local cmd2 "xtreg" est local model "pa" exit } else { xtreg_ml `varlist' `if' [`weight'`exp'], `options' } } exit `e(rc)' end