*! version 3.01 STB-58 dm65.3 program define parmest,rclass version 6.0 /* If current estimation matrices exist, then extract the parameter names, estimates, standard errors and confidence limits and reformat them as a data set with 1 observation per parameter, (replacing the current one, in the manner of the collapse command). This program calls programs estse, svroweq and svrown. Author: Roger Newson Date: 6 October 2000 */ syntax [, Label EForm Dof(real -1) LEvel(int $S_level) /* */ FAST SAving(string asis) noREstore] /* Dof contains residual DF for t-based confidence limits. In default, it is set to the value from the currently stored estimation results. If dof is zero, then normal confidence limits are calculated. Label indicates that the new data set should contain a variable named label, containing labels corresponding to variables named in parm (wherever such variables exist in the pre-existing data set). EForm indicates that the estimates and confidence limits are to be exponentiated, and the standard errors multiplied by the exponentiated estimate. FAST specifies that parmest not preserve the original data set so that it can be restored if the user presses Break (intended for use by programmers). SAving specifies a data set in which to save the output data set. noREstore specifies whether or not the pre-existing data set is restored after the new data set has been produced (ignored and set to norestore if FAST is present or SAving() is absent, and defaulting to restore if SAving() is present). */ /* Set restore to norestore if fast is present or saving() is absent */ if(("`fast'"!="")|("`saving'"=="")){ local restore="norestore" } /* Reset dof to current estimates if negative */ if(`dof'<0){ if "`e(df_r)'" == "" { local dof=0 } else { local dof=`e(df_r)' } } /* Create matrix of estimates and SEs if possible, and extract observations and degrees of freedom into local macros for creation of confidence limits */ tempname estse capture estse `estse' if _rc != 0 { di in r "Data will not be replaced" if _rc == 301 { error 301 } else { di in r "Estimates and SEs could not be extracted" exit 498 } } /* Store variable labels in macros with names of form labi1 if label requested */ if "`label'" != "" { local xvlist : rownames(`estse') local nxv : word count `xvlist' local i1 = 0 while `i1' < `nxv' { local i1 = `i1' + 1 local xvcur : word `i1' of `xvlist' local lab`i1' "" capture local lab`i1' : variable label `xvcur' } } /* Preserve old data set if restore is set or fast unset */ if("`fast'"==""){ preserve } * Create new data set * drop _all svroweq `estse' eq svrown `estse' parm svmat double `estse', name(col) local nparm=_N label variable eq "Equation name" label variable parm "Parameter name" label variable estimate "Parameter estimate" label variable stderr "SE of parameter estimate" * Add label if requested * if "`label'" != "" { qui gene str1 label = "" local i1 = 0 while `i1' < `nxv' { local i1 = `i1' + 1 qui replace label = "`lab`i1''" in `i1' } order eq parm label label variable label "Parameter label" } * Drop variable eq if it contains only underscores * qui { count if eq == "_" if r(N) == _N { drop eq } } * Add confidence limits * local cimin "min`level'" local cimax "max`level'" tempvar hwid if `dof' <= 0 { qui gene double z = estimate / stderr qui gene double p = 2 * normprob(-abs(z)) qui gene double `hwid'= stderr*invnorm(1-(100-`level')/200) label variable z "Standard normal deviate" label variable p "P-value" } else { qui gene double t = estimate / stderr qui gene double p = tprob(`dof',t) qui gene double `hwid' = stderr*invt(`dof',`level'/100) label variable t "t-test statistic" label variable p "P-value" } qui gene double `cimin' = estimate - `hwid' qui gene double `cimax' = estimate + `hwid' drop `hwid' label variable `cimin' "Lower `level'% confidence limit" label variable `cimax' "Upper `level'% confidence limit" * EForm transformation if requested * if "`eform'" != "" { qui { replace estimate = exp(estimate) replace stderr = stderr * estimate replace `cimin' = exp(`cimin') replace `cimax' = exp(`cimax') } } /* Save data set if requested */ if(`"`saving'"'!=""){ capture noisily save `saving' if(_rc!=0){ disp in red "saving(`saving') invalid" exit 498 } } /* Restore old data set if restore is set or if program fails when fast is unset */ if(("`fast'"=="")&("`restore'"=="norestore")){ restore,not } /* Return saved results */ return local eform "`eform'" return scalar level=`level' return scalar nparm=`nparm' return scalar dof=`dof' end program define estse version 6.0 /* Create output matrix with rows corresponding to parameters of last model and 1 column each for estimates and standard errors */ args estse if "`estse'" == "" { local estse "estse"} tempname esti cov stderr * Temporary matrices * matrix `esti' = e(b) matrix `cov' = e(V) matrix `esti' = `esti'' matrix `stderr' = vecdiag(`cov') matrix `stderr' = `stderr'' local nparm = rowsof(`stderr') local i1 = 0 while `i1' < `nparm' { local i1 = `i1' + 1 matrix `stderr'[`i1',1] = sqrt(`stderr'[`i1',1]) } matrix `estse' = `esti', `stderr' matrix coln `estse' = estimate stderr end program define svroweq version 6.0 /* Save row equation names from `matrix' in string variable `roweq'. (This routine is designed to be used with svmat.) */ args matrix roweq if "`matrix'" == "" { di in r "No matrix specified" error 498 } if "`roweq'" == "" { di in r "No variable name specified" error 498 } local nrow = rowsof(`matrix') * Create variable `roweq' * tempname tempmat qui capture drop `roweq' qui set obs `nrow' qui gen str1 `roweq' = "" local rowind = 0 while `rowind' < `nrow'{ local rowind = `rowind' + 1 matr def `tempmat'=`matrix'[`rowind'..`rowind',1..1] local namec : roweq(`tempmat') qui replace `roweq' = "`namec'" in `rowind' } end program define svrown version 6.0 /* Save row names from `matrix' in string variable `rowname'. (This routine is designed to be used with svmat.) */ args matrix rowname if "`matrix'" == "" { di in r "No matrix specified" error 498 } if "`rowname'" == "" { di in r "No variable name specified" error 498 } local nrow = rowsof(`matrix') * Create variable `rowname' * tempname tempmat qui capture drop `rowname' qui set obs `nrow' qui gene str1 `rowname' = "" local rowind = 0 while `rowind' < `nrow' { local rowind = `rowind' + 1 matr def `tempmat'=`matrix'[`rowind'..`rowind',1..1] local namec : rownames(`tempmat') qui replace `rowname' = "`namec'" in `rowind' } end