.- help for ^amoeba^, ^quasi^ (STB-38: sg71) .- Maximization of Function ------------------------ Syntax ------ ^amoeba^ [ obj xin yout xout [stepsize itmax toler ] ] ^quasi^ [ obj xin yout xout [g h stepsize itmax toler ^bhhh^] ] where obj is the name of a program written by the user to evaluate the objective function to be maximized, xin is a row vector containing starting values, yout is a scalar to receive the maximum value of the objective function, and xout is a row vector to receive the value of the vector that maximizes the objective function. Unless using the ^bhhh^ option under ^quasi^, a call to obj must be of the form ^obj x y^ where ^x^ is a row vector at which the function is to be evaluated, and ^y^ is a scalar to receive the value of the function. When using the ^bhhh^ option the call to the user-written objective function must take the form ^obj x y objvar^, ^objvar^ is a variable name (see above). Options ------- Under ^amoeba^, stepsize is the percentage change in each parameter used to set up a simplex in the parameter space. Under ^quasi^, it is the percentage step taken to compute the numerical gradient. itmax is the maximum number of iterative steps that should be done. toler is how "tight" the simplex (^amoeba^) or how small the gradients (^quasi^) must be before the algorithm quits. g is a row vector to receive the final gradient in ^quasi^. h is a matrix to receive final inverse of hessian in ^quasi^. ^bhhh^ tells ^quasi^ to use the BHHH algorithm rather than BFGS in ^quasi^. Note that options are ordered and a period can be used to skip optional arguments. In addition, invoking ^amoeba^ or ^quasi^ with no arguments will display information about them, a la Unix. Examples -------- . ^amoeba obj x f z^ . ^aomeba obj x f z 0.1^ . ^aomeba tsls bols sse bhat . . 1E-6^ . ^quasi ols bstart yout bfinal^ . ^quasi ols bstart yout bfinal . h^ . ^quasi mylk b0 fout b1 . . . . bhhh^ Author ------ Christopher Ferrall Queen's University Kingston, Ontario FAX 613-545-6668 email: ferrallc@@post.queensu.ca Also See -------- STB: sg71 (STB-38)