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Re: st: FW: Aggregating values back to a certain row

From   Jeph Herrin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: FW: Aggregating values back to a certain row
Date   Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:00:26 -0400

2) The gaps were covered, they just resulted in missing values (which -rowtotal- ignores). But I didn't notice 1) the duplicate years per firm.

On 3/20/2014 9:34 AM, Nick Cox wrote:
This is a nice idea, although the example data showed that

1. two or more items can be observed for the same firm in the same
year (still, what that implies is just a prior -collapse-, which might
be a good move any way)

2. there can be gaps (again, there are remedies)

[email protected]

On 20 March 2014 13:14, Jeph Herrin <[email protected]> wrote:

If the window is really a moderate 5 or so years, you might get by with
'reshaping' the data first:

  forv y=1/5 {
           bys firm_id (year): gen value_`y'=value[_n-`y'] ///
                      if inrange(year[_n-`y'],year,year-5)
  egen value_agg = rowtotal(value_1-value_5)

You will have (at most 5) new variables populated on each row, containing
the values from the last (at most) 5 years. Then just aggregate across the


On 3/19/2014 4:03 PM, Nick Cox wrote:

This kind of question is often asked here.

Your code can't easily be rescued. A loop over observations doesn't
really mix with a -while- loop. Also note, for example, that -if-
qualifiers are illegal and indeed make no sense in defining -local-s.

You don't spell it out, and it's not even tacit in your code, but I am
guessing that all calculations must be for the same firm.

Consider this:

1. Initialise all aggregate values to 0.

gen firm_value_agg = 0

2. Loop over all the observations.

quietly forvalues n=1/`=_N' {

3. Summarize value if the firm is the same as that in the present
observation and investment was in the previous 5 years.

Here previous five years is interpreted as meaning for 2013 (say)
2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009.

            su value if firm == firm[`n'] & inrange(year, year[`n'] - 4,
year), meanonly

If you want to exclude the present year, it would be

            su value if firm == firm[`n'] & inrange(year, year[`n'] - 5,
year[`n'] - 1), meanonly

The -meanonly- option is helpful to speed up what is likely to be slow
code. Despite its name, -meanonly- does include calculation of the

4. Replace the aggregated value in the current observation.

            replace firm_value_agg = r(sum) in `n'

Counts would mean using r(N) not r(sum).

There's a lengthier sermon in which you
should cite if you find it useful. (Many people will cite a paper for
just mentioning one idea they allude to, but not a paper that saved
them hard work in data management.)

[email protected]

On 19 March 2014 19:03, Daniel Stefan Hain <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Stata users,

I currently have a problem I find myself unable to solve.

I have longitudinal data on investments made by companies, each
investment a single row. It looks sort of like:

invest_id             firm_id                 value
1                              1                              1,5
2                              1                              2,7
3                              1                              3,4
4                              2                              0,9
5                              2                              5,5

I want to introduce a "investment experience", which aggregates the
number (or value) of previous investments over the last X (lets say 5) years
previous to the current one. Firms have very different investment activity,
so might the one have 100, the next only one per year. I up to now tried
different versions of something like

local N =_N
forvalues n=1/`N' {
                  local i=1
                  local t=0
         while t=0 {
                                  replace firm_value_agg = firm_value_agg
+ value[_n - `i']) if `n'=_n
                                  local i = `i' + 1
                                  local t = 1             if year[_n] - 5
== year[_n - `i']

Here I try to write a loop that goes over every row (first forvalues),
and then (in theory) aggregates previous investment values in
"firm_value_agg", as long till it comes to a row where the year is smaller
than the current year minus 5 (since I want to aggregate the last 5 years).
I tried some different versions, but always get some error messages like "no
weights allowed", or the code just produces unintended results. For every
piece of advice how to make this work I would be very grateful.

Best wishes

Daniel S. Hain

Ph.D. Fellow, M.Sc. Economics, Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing.
Department of Business and Management | IKE | DRUID | EIS
T: (+45) 9940 2724  | Email: [email protected]
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Aalborg University | Fibigerstræde 11, Room 91 | 9220 Aalborg, Denmark

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