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st: how to code for a 5-hour delay

From   Dao Kim <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: how to code for a 5-hour delay
Date   Mon, 10 Feb 2014 16:19:15 +0000

Hi, I need help to write a command to select patient that received a drug in the 5 hours following the first one. I have time1 (1st drug administration) and time2 (2nd drug administration). I created a cat with delay (time2-time1), which has the 1 jan 1960, I don't really know how to change that, still it's not the matter. I would like to keep only the patients for how delay is < or = to 5 hours, should I write 5 hrs in a SIF time? How do I convert? Didn't work so far. Thanks for your help. Kim
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