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Re: st: margins after probit for continuous, dichotomous and multichotomous independent variable

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: margins after probit for continuous, dichotomous and multichotomous independent variable
Date   Thu, 23 Jan 2014 14:45:00 +0000

Pedantry corner. (Experience is that _some_ people enjoy or appreciate
this kind of thing, so apologies to the others.)

The standard term "dichotomous" (meaning a binary variable with just
two possible values) parses into its two Greek roots "dicho" (meaning
twofold) and "tomous" (referring to a cut or division). There is a
long history of it being misread as "di" +  "chotomous" which leads by
false analogy to "polychotomous". "polytomous" is the more correct

The term "multichotomous" compounds this error by mixing Latin and Greek roots.
(Yes, I know about "television".)

(I like "multistate" too, which seems common in some biological fields.)

[email protected]

On 23 January 2014 13:50, Richard Williams
<[email protected]> wrote:
> How about something like this?
> webuse nhanes2f, clear
> probit diabetes i.female i.race weight
> margins, dydx(*) post
> est store m1
> esttab m1
> At 07:33 AM 1/23/2014, Prakash Singh wrote:
>> Dear all
>> I need help in calculating marginal effect after probit estimation and
>> export the result using esttab command written by Ben Jann, ETH
>> Zurich. Now, my problem is that some of the variable in the right hand
>> side are continuous, some are with two category and some have more
>> than tow category.
>> Please tell me how can calculate the marginal effect and export the
>> result in one table.
>> Thanks
>> Prakash
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> Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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