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Re: st: Re: Fill Missing values at the End

From   Sadia Khalid <[email protected]>
To   [email protected], [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Re: Fill Missing values at the End
Date   Thu, 9 Jan 2014 21:08:11 +0500


@ David Hoaglin

for your valuable comments.

Actually I am not filling(extrapolating) all the missing values. I am
only extrapolating the missing values if there are only five or less
missing values.

if i will not extraploate the data , no of observation will be less.

What are your comments on Intrapolation . are people comfortable with
intraploation ( filling the in between missing values).

Sadia Khalid

On 9 January 2014 20:49, Sadia Khalid <[email protected]> wrote:
> @ Nick Cox
> this is the Excel file with formulas.
> Regards
> Sadia Khalid
> On 9 January 2014 20:40, Sadia Khalid <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Thanks Nick Cox for your reply.
>> I am extremely sorry for this. That why i have posted this question again.
>> Kindly Consider this data
>> year name y
>> 1990 Aqueela 50.1
>> 1991 Aqueela 39.9
>> 1992 Aqueela 93.4
>> 1993 Aqueela 53.4
>> 1994 Aqueela 5.9
>> 1995 Aqueela 41.6
>> 1996 Aqueela
>> 1997 Aqueela
>> 1998 Aqueela
>> 1999 Aqueela
>> 2000 Aqueela
>> 1990 Abida 57.0
>> 1991 Abida 44.3
>> 1992 Abida 41.3
>> 1993 Abida 92.3
>> 1994 Abida 42.2
>> 1995 Abida 56.0
>> 1996 Abida
>> 1997 Abida
>> 1998 Abida
>> 1999 Abida
>> 2000 Abida
>> 1990 Zubaida 68.5
>> 1991 Zubaida 51.0
>> 1992 Zubaida 41.7
>> 1993 Zubaida 91.5
>> 1994 Zubaida 40.7
>> 1995 Zubaida
>> 1996 Zubaida
>> 1997 Zubaida
>> 1998 Zubaida
>> 1999 Zubaida
>> 2000 Zubaida
>> What I want to have
>> year name y
>> 1990 Aqueela 50.1
>> 1991 Aqueela 39.9
>> 1992 Aqueela 93.4
>> 1993 Aqueela 53.4
>> 1994 Aqueela 5.9
>> 1995 Aqueela 41.6
>> 1996 Aqueela 42.1
>> 1997 Aqueela 42.5
>> 1998 Aqueela 43.0
>> 1999 Aqueela 43.4
>> 2000 Aqueela 43.9
>> 1990 Abida 57.0
>> 1991 Abida 44.3
>> 1992 Abida 41.3
>> 1993 Abida 92.3
>> 1994 Abida 42.2
>> 1995 Abida 56.0
>> 1996 Abida 59.3
>> 1997 Abida 62.9
>> 1998 Abida 66.7
>> 1999 Abida 70.7
>> 2000 Abida 75.0
>> 1990 Zubaida 68.5
>> 1991 Zubaida 51.0
>> 1992 Zubaida 41.7
>> 1993 Zubaida 91.5
>> 1994 Zubaida 40.7
>> 1995 Zubaida
>> 1996 Zubaida
>> 1997 Zubaida
>> 1998 Zubaida
>> 1999 Zubaida
>> 2000 Zubaida
>> Kindly do not consider the previous data .
>> take this data into consideration.
>> Like for the individual Aqueela values for the year 1996 – 2000 are
>> missing. I will first calculate the growth rate of values from >
>> 1991-1995. the formula for calculating the growth rate is
>> =((41.6/39.9)^(1/(5-1))-1). The growth rate is the value in
>> 1996 = value in 1995*(1+growth rate).  And value in 1997= value in
>> 1996 * (1+growth rate). And so on.
>> Similarly for other individuals.
>> Regards
>> Sadia Khalid
>> On 9 January 2014 18:00, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> <>
>>> In fact
>>> is not even internally consistent.
>>> Nick
>>> [email protected]
>>> On 9 January 2014 12:53, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> This question gets more difficult to understand, not less. Let's focus
>>>> on Abida. You say you want to get
>>>> 1990 Abida 57.0
>>>> 1991 Abida 44.3
>>>> 1992 Abida 41.3
>>>> 1993 Abida 92.3
>>>> 1994 Abida 42.2
>>>> 1995 Abida 82.7
>>>> 1996 Abida 42.1
>>>> 1997 Abida 42.5
>>>> 1998 Abida 43.0
>>>> 1999 Abida 43.4
>>>> 2000 Abida 43.9
>>>> whereas in
>>>> the data were stated to be
>>>> 1990 Abida 57.0
>>>> 1991 Abida 44.3
>>>> 1992 Abida 41.3
>>>> 1993 Abida 92.3
>>>> 1994 Abida 42.2
>>>> 1995 Abida 56.0
>>>> and you said you wanted
>>>> 1996 Abida 96.6
>>>> 1997 Abida 113.0
>>>> 1998 Abida 132.0
>>>> 1999 Abida 154.4
>>>> 2000 Abida 180.4
>>>> What's up with 1995?
>>>> What rule gets you from 82.7 to 42.1 (this post)?
>>>> What rule gets you from 56.0 to 96.6 (this post)?
>>>> There couldn't be good answers if the questions make no sense.
>>>> Nick
>>>> [email protected]
>>>> On 9 January 2014 04:01, Sadia Khalid <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> Sir
>>>>> I am new to Stata and do not know how to write codes.
>>>>> Sir I have posted in the previous messages what i have and what i want to get.
>>>>> year name y
>>>>> 1990 Aqueela 50.1
>>>>> 1991 Aqueela 39.9
>>>>> 1992 Aqueela 93.4
>>>>> 1993 Aqueela 53.4
>>>>> 1994 Aqueela 5.9
>>>>> 1995 Aqueela 41.6
>>>>> 1996 Aqueela
>>>>> 1997 Aqueela
>>>>> 1998 Aqueela
>>>>> 1999 Aqueela
>>>>> 2000 Aqueela
>>>>> 1990 Abida 57.0
>>>>> 1991 Abida 44.3
>>>>> 1992 Abida 41.3
>>>>> 1993 Abida 92.3
>>>>> 1994 Abida 42.2
>>>>> 1995 Abida 56.0
>>>>> 1996 Abida
>>>>> 1997 Abida
>>>>> 1998 Abida
>>>>> 1999 Abida
>>>>> 2000 Abida
>>>>> 1990 Zubaida 68.5
>>>>> 1991 Zubaida 51.0
>>>>> 1992 Zubaida 41.7
>>>>> 1993 Zubaida 91.5
>>>>> 1994 Zubaida 40.7
>>>>> 1995 Zubaida
>>>>> 1996 Zubaida
>>>>> 1997 Zubaida
>>>>> 1998 Zubaida
>>>>> 1999 Zubaida
>>>>> 2000 Zubaida
>>>>> What I want to get.
>>>>> year name y
>>>>> 1990 Aqueela 50.1
>>>>> 1991 Aqueela 39.9
>>>>> 1992 Aqueela 93.4
>>>>> 1993 Aqueela 53.4
>>>>> 1994 Aqueela 5.9
>>>>> 1995 Aqueela 41.6
>>>>> 1996 Aqueela 42.1
>>>>> 1997 Aqueela 42.5
>>>>> 1998 Aqueela 43.0
>>>>> 1999 Aqueela 43.4
>>>>> 2000 Aqueela 43.9
>>>>> 1990 Abida 57.0
>>>>> 1991 Abida 44.3
>>>>> 1992 Abida 41.3
>>>>> 1993 Abida 92.3
>>>>> 1994 Abida 42.2
>>>>> 1995 Abida 82.7
>>>>> 1996 Abida 42.1
>>>>> 1997 Abida 42.5
>>>>> 1998 Abida 43.0
>>>>> 1999 Abida 43.4
>>>>> 2000 Abida 43.9
>>>>> 1990 Zubaida 68.5
>>>>> 1991 Zubaida 51.0
>>>>> 1992 Zubaida 41.7
>>>>> 1993 Zubaida 91.5
>>>>> 1994 Zubaida 40.7
>>>>> 1995 Zubaida
>>>>> 1996 Zubaida
>>>>> 1997 Zubaida
>>>>> 1998 Zubaida
>>>>> 1999 Zubaida
>>>>> 2000 Zubaida
>>>>> actually the code is not giving the above mentioed results.
>>>>> Please help me out.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Sadia Khalid
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