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st: Re: Stratified Analyses

From   "Joseph Coveney" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: Stratified Analyses
Date   Sun, 29 Dec 2013 09:27:16 +0900

Charles Christian wrote:

Hello!  I have been using SAS for many years through my employer.  I
am now retired and looking at Stata as a software package for my own

I have looked at what material I have been able to locate and am
unable to discern is Stata handles two things that SAS did:  1.)
Aggregated t-tests (controlling for various variables); and, 2.)
Stratified CMH and Wilcoxon analyses (again, controlling for various

Can someone advise if Stata handles those two types of analyses?


I'm not quite sure what your first one is (it sounds like ANCOVA to me), but you
can take a look at the various commands that are briefly described at and see whether one
or more fits the bill, for example, -metareg-.

For your second, there is a user-written command, -emh-, that does what SAS's
PROC FREQ with the CMH option does. There is another command, -vanelteren-, that
specifically does stratified Wilcoxon tests, but -emh- can also do that.  It's
easiest to see more about these two commands by using Stata's -findit- command,
but if you don't already have Stata, then you can get an idea from and .

Joseph Coveney

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