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st: comparing coefficients of two separate models by esttab

From   Ebrahim Azimi <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: comparing coefficients of two separate models by esttab
Date   Mon, 16 Dec 2013 03:03:06 -0800

Hi statalist,

I have two models lets say for two different subgroups. I report the
coefficients and standard errors in latex using esttab. Now I want to add
two columns: one is the difference between coefficients of the above
mention models. Another is the standard error of the difference.
I have no problem calculating these two columns in matrix form. However, I
don't know how to add them to estimated results using esttab.
I tried suest but it does not work since I am using nlcom...,post to
drive the coefficients after regressing a nonlinear model.

I prefer to automatize the whole process if it is possible.

I appreciate your response.
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