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st: On the joint frequency distribution

From   Syed Basher <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: On the joint frequency distribution
Date   Fri, 29 Nov 2013 22:45:52 +0300

Dear Stata Users,

I am using Stata 12.1. I have two series X and Y (2280 obs each). I
want to compute the joint frequency distribution of the two variables
(i.e., cross tabulation). First, I want to sort the variables in
ascending order. Second, I would like to divide each series evenly
into 10 bins. Finally, I want to get the joint frequency distribution
of the two series for all combination of (i,j) cells (that is, the
diagonal and off-diagonal elements). Problem is how can I do this in
Stata. Your help, hint or suggestion is highly appreciated.

Syed Basher
Doha, Qatar
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