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Re: AW: st: gllamm, multilevel conditional logit

From   Jonas Krüger <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: AW: st: gllamm, multilevel conditional logit
Date   Wed, 27 Nov 2013 23:35:31 +0100

As far my knowledge regarding gllamm your structure needs to look like this.

looked up here
(page 21,24)

for example:

id(level3)  id(level2) alt   response  choice
1                 1         0       1             0
1                 1         1       1             1
1                 1         2       1             0

1                 2         0       0             1
1                 2         1       0             0
1                 2         2       0             0

2                 3         0        1            0
2                 3         1        1            1
2                 3         2        1            0

With your other questions I cant help you.

On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 8:48 PM,  <[email protected]> wrote:
> This is the data-structure concerning your question. For observation with id == 1 there are 3 lines which equals the number of alternatives.
> ---------------------------
>   id    alt     choice
> ---------------------------
>   1     1          0
>   1     2          0
>   1     3          1
>   2     1          0
>   2     2          1
>   2     3          0
>   ...
> This is in line with the gllamm-help file: "the 'response' labels the original lines of data". If I do specify the hierarchical structure with "i(region) instead of "i(id region)", I would get a 2-level-model. The N on level 1 would equal all observations (lines) and the N on level 2 are the number of regions. The "id"-variable therefore has to be used to take the clustering of the data into account.
> With the definition in my example, I estimate a 3-level-model: N on level 1 equals all observations (lines), N on level 2 equals the number of clusters (students) and the N on level 3 is the number of regions
>>> i(id region) noconstant ///
>>>      nrf(2 2) eq(gam1 gam2 gam1 gam2) ///
>>>                expanded(id choice o)
> As I have mentioned, I do get the same results when using a single-level model with gllamm and asclogit, respectively. Is this answering your question? What is your comment on my previous questions?
>>> Questions:
>>> 1. I am not sure whether I have to include the alternative-specific constant variables (alt2, alt3) in the model, when I also use them in the equation-specification? If I do not, some of the fixed-effects estimates change their direction and are no longer in line with theory and expectations.
>>> 2. I am not sure whether I really need a 3-level model, since the data on the chosen track is clustered within students. Because in gllamm the cluster-option is only available on the highest hierarchy-level, I so far cannot see a solution to estimate a model with clustered-student information on level 1 and region-information on level 2.
> ...
> You are using ID as an real ID and also as the the actual response in your expanded syntax?
>>> i(id region) noconstant ///
>>>      nrf(2 2) eq(gam1 gam2 gam1 gam2) ///
>>>                expanded(id choice o)
> Maybe this is causing trouble.
>> On 26.11.2013, at 23:03, <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Thanks for your comment.
>> My expand-syntax is "expanded(id choice o)". "id" is used as identifier for what is called "response" in the help file. My variable "choice" equals 1 if the alternative is selected. In the single-level model I do get identical results with asclogit and gllamm with the mentioned expand-specification. Why do you think the expand-specification is wrong?
>> David
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Jonas Krueger
>> Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. November 2013 17:19
>> An: [email protected]
>> Betreff: Re: st: gllamm, multilevel conditional logit
>> Hi. From a quick Look i guess your expand Syntax is wrong. Check the help file.
>>> On 25.11.2013, at 16:12, <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Dear Users,
>>> I'm using -gllamm expand() link(mlogit)-  with Stata13 and getting a result I know is wrong, so I know I'm misunderstanding something with the equation-specification.
>>> I have data on educational track decision, including alternative-specific and case-constant variables on individual and regional level, and would like to use gllamm to estimate a 3-level discrete choice model with fixed-effects and random effects on individual and region-level. So far I have just found stata-syntax on British election data from Skrondal & Rabe-Hesketh (2004,, Model M23(c)), which comes close to what I would like to do.
>>> My data is in long form and consists for each student 3 rows for the 3 educational alternatives/modes (track1, track2, track3), from which students had to choose one, as well as a dummy-variable choice, which indicates the chosen track by the student. I use 2 alternative-specific variables (as1, as2) as well as case constant variables for egp-class and math-grades on individual-level and 2 variables on the region-level (reg1, reg2).
>>> I first fitted single-level models without the variables on the region-level using asclogit and gllamm with the syntax below - the results are identical and in line with theory:
>>> asclogit choice as1 as2 , casevars(math egp2 egp34 egp567) ///
>>>                case(id) alternative(alt)  basealternative(1) vce(cluster id) nolog
>>> gllamm alt as1 as2 ///
>>>      alt2Xmath alt2Xegp2 alt2Xegp34 alt2Xegp567 alt2 ///
>>>      alt3Xmath alt3Xegp2 alt3Xegp34 alt3Xegp567 alt3 ///
>>>      i(id) link(mlogit) expanded(id choice o) noconstant cluster(id) robust init
>>> The second step would now be to estimate a 3-level conditional logit-model, including fixed-effects for alternative and case-constant variables and a random part on the  student and region-level:
>>> eq gam1: alt2
>>> eq gam2: alt3
>>> gllamm alt as1 as2 ///
>>>      alt2Xreg1 alt2Xreg2 alt2Xmath alt2Xegp2 alt2Xegp34 alt2Xegp567 alt2 ///
>>>      alt3Xreg1 alt3Xreg2 alt3Xmath alt3Xegp2 alt3Xegp34 alt3Xegp567 alt3 ///
>>>      i(id region) noconstant ///
>>>      nrf(2 2) eq(gam1 gam2 gam1 gam2) ///
>>>                expanded(id choice o) f(binom) link(mlogit) adapt trace
>>> Questions:
>>> 1. I am not sure whether I have to include the alternative-specific constant variables (alt2, alt3) in the model, when I also use them in the equation-specification? If I do not, some of the fixed-effects estimates change their direction and are no longer in line with theory and expectations.
>>> 2. I am not sure whether I really need a 3-level model, since the data on the chosen track is clustered within students. Because in gllamm the cluster-option is only available on the highest hierarchy-level, I so far cannot see a solution to estimate a model with clustered-student information on level 1 and a region-information on level 2.
>>> I would be very thankful for comments on my gllamm-syntax and questions.
>>> Kind regards
>>> David
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