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st: Re: Portfolio returns per month, drop return duplicates

From   "M@rk " <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: Portfolio returns per month, drop return duplicates
Date   Mon, 25 Nov 2013 14:06:30 +0100

Dear Nick,

Thanks for your quick reply. I tried the command: 'duplicates drop PRB1, force' and it worked as far as I know.

Kind Regards,

Mark Krap

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- From: Nick Cox
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2013 1:39 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: Portfolio returns per month, drop return duplicates

-duplicates- should work here if I understand your problem. Otherwise
consider -egen-'s -tag()- function and keeping only tagged
[email protected]

On 25 November 2013 12:27, M@rk <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Users,

For my research I need to have portfolio returns for each month from 1926
till 2012. I already calculated the weighted returns for each portfolio and
summed them up (by date) by creating a  new variable (PRB1). The only
problem is that this sum is not given once for each month, but is given for
each stock observation in a month. So if the total of the weighted returns
is, let's say, 0.026 in March 2006 its mentioned for each stock observation
in March 2006. I tried to downsize this by using the duplicates drop [in]
command, but I get the error message 'invalid obs no'. Does anyone know how
I can get the portfolio returns once per month, as for my research I only
need portfolio returns per month from 1926 till 2012 in order to do the
regressions. I am using Stata 12 SE (Windows 7 64-bit).

I look forward to the reactions.

Kind Regards,

Mark Krap

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