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[no subject]

* Generate some data
set obs 10
gen fipsid=_n
expand 100
bys fips: gen t = _n
gen lprod=uniform()
* Predictions will be stored here
gen lprodhat=.
levelsof fips, local(fips)
* Estimate ARIMAs
foreach x in `fips' {
* Keep only current fips
keep if fips==`x'
tsset t
arima lprod, arima(1,0,1)
* Add obs
tsappend, add(24)
* Predict
predict p, dyn(100)
* Store in lprodhat and drop
replace lprodhat=p
drop p
* Keep only predictions
keep if !e(sample)
* Add fips information to predictions
replace fips=`x'
* Save in temporary file
tempfile a
save `a'
* Restore original dataset
* Append predictions
append using `a'
sort fipsid t

Hope this helps,
Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez
Graduate Student
Department of Economics
Brown University

On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 1:48 PM, Wesley Burnett <[email protected]> wrote:
> I'm attempting to run a series of arima regressions within each region
> for a panel data set in long form. Following the arima regressions I'm
> attempting to do dynamic predictions so that I can iteratively
> forecast out of sample. Basically, the algorithm does a bunch of
> individual time series regressions and predictions. I have written a
> "foreach" loop with the "statsby" command to run the arima regressions
> across each region. The looping algorithm works; i.e., it runs the
> separate regressions and then performs the predictions, but the
> predictions are not calculated out of sample--it only performs the
> within sample predictions.
> If I estimate the arima regression and prediction within a single
> region (i.e., omitting the rest of the panel) then the code works fine
> and the entire out-of-sample predictions are calculated. I think the
> problem may be related to how the time series command is automated in
> Stata. That is, if one uses a single region then the "tsset year"
> command is invoked, where year denotes my time observations which are
> annual. If one uses the "foreach" and "statsby" algorithm on a panel
> data set then the "tsset regions year" command must be invoked;
> otherwise, if you use the "tsset year" command on the panel then Stata
> provides the error code: "repeated time values in sample."
> I would appreciate any feedback on how to fix this problem. The code
> is here, where the dynamic prediction is given a value of 2012 to tell
> Stata when to start the out-of-sample predictions. The term "lprod"
> designates a variable within my data set that is the log of production
> examined across time.
> *Invoke the time series command for region (fips) and time observation (year)
> tsset fips year
> *Add 24 years of annual time observations to the end of each region
> for the out-of-sample predictions
> tsappend, add(24)
> *foreach algorithm
> levelsof fips, local(fipsid)
> foreach c of local fipsid {
> local rr: label region `c'
> quietly arima lprod if fips==`c', arima(1,1,0)
> quietly predict p_prod_`c' if fips==`c', dyn(2012) y
> quietly predict fev_`c' if fips==`c', mse
> g upper_`c' = p_prod_`c' + 1.96*sqrt(fev_`c')
> g lower_`c' = p_prod_`c' - 1.96*sqrt(fev_`c')
> }
> *
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> *
> *
> *

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