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st: Formatting output

From   Anup Nandialath <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Formatting output
Date   Thu, 18 Jul 2013 08:21:33 +0400

Dear statalisters,

I'm trying to reformat summary output. My problem is as follows

I have several groups assigned through the variable b. I need only the
mean and SD of each one of these variables. I used the following
command and it generates the output needed but I was wondering if I
could get the same output in a different form.

The output using the summarize command is as follows

. bys b: summ lta cratio

-> b = 1

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
         lta |      5326    6.050269      1.1378   3.945458    11.1046
      cratio |      5326    3.453158    2.902567   .2558635       20.5


Preferable output format

                    MEAN                      SD
                LTA     CRATIO      LTA     CRATIO
B=1           xxx        xxx           xxx        xxx
B=N            xxx        xxx           xxx          xxx

Any help on whether such reformatting is possible and if yes how it
can be achieved is much appreciated.


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