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st: graph combine of tabplot graphs: uncomparable bar heights

From   Brunelli Cinzia <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: graph combine of tabplot graphs: uncomparable bar heights
Date   Fri, 28 Jun 2013 12:34:00 +0200

Dear all, I'm going to combined together in a single figure 3 graphs previously obtained with tabplot to show patients and physician agreement on the assessment of three different variables.

The sintax is the following

tabplot ecs_cp_q2 alberta_q0_imput, showval  percent xtitle("   " "   ") subtitle ("")  ///
ytitle("PHYSICIAN ASSESSMENT") title("INCIDENT PAIN", size(msmall)) saving(IP_AGREE, replace)
tabplot ecscp_neu pain_dtct_cat2, showval percent xtitle("   " "PATIENT ASSESSMENT") subtitle ("") ///
ytitle("") saving(NP_AGREE, replace) title("NEUROPATHIC PAIN ", size(msmall)) yscale(range(0 1))
tabplot ecs_cp_q3 any_dep_PHQ, showval  percent xtitle("   " "   ") subtitle ("") ///
ytitle("") saving(PD_AGREE, replace) title("PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS", size(msmall))

graph combine  IP_AGREE.gph  NP_AGREE.gph PD_AGREE.gph,  col(3) ycommon xcommon

The commands work and I and the figure is nice but... proportions between bar heights are correct within each graph but are not between graphs: i.e the fourth bar in the first graph, which represents 35% of the sample, is as tall as the first one in the second graph, which should represent 66% of the sample. I guess this has to do with different graphical formatting rules within each graph.

Is there a way to overcome this misrepresentation? I tried to use something like yscale(range(0 100)) in order to standardize yaxis scale, but it doesn't work. I find tabplot very useful for my proposal and it would be a pity not to be able to use it and present a "boring" table.

Thank you in advance!


Brunelli Cinzia MSc
Palliative Care, Pain Therapy and Rehabilitation Unit
IRCCS Fundation National Cancer Institute
Via Venezian 1
20133 - Milano - Italy
tel: +39223903391
fax: +39223903393

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