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Re: st: weighted time dependent Cox model

From   Steve Samuels <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: weighted time dependent Cox model
Date   Sun, 19 Feb 2012 07:32:18 -0500

Correction: "exit() specifies the latest time under which the subject is both under observation and at risk of the failure event." (Stata 12 Survival Manual, page 486).


In Stata, -enter- refers to the earliest entry time for a subject, and -exit- to the last observed time. (This is in the Manual entry for -stset-).  Use this -stset- statement:

stset exit [pweight=weight], fail(event)  id(id)

[email protected]

On Feb 18, 2012, at 6:07 PM, Ehsan Karim wrote:

Dear Stata list,

I am trying to reproduce the weighted time dependent Cox model
(Andersen–Gill format with IPTW) results in Stata that are originally
obtained from R using same dataset, but so far getting the estimates
different. Could anyone indicate what I could be done to fix this?

Any suggestions/references will be highly appreciated.



# R results: coef -0.288 se 0.174

> dataset = read.csv("";)
> msmc = coxph(Surv(enter, exit, event) ~ tx + cluster(id), robust = TRUE, data = dataset, weights = weight)
> summary(msmc)
n= 14372, number of events= 131

    coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se      z Pr(>|z|)
tx -0.2882    0.7496   0.1745    0.1964 -1.467    0.142

 exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
tx    0.7496      1.334    0.5101     1.102

Concordance= 0.534  (se = 0.021 )
Rsquare= 0   (max possible= 0.136 )
Likelihood ratio test= 2.8  on 1 df,   p=0.09455
Wald test            = 2.15  on 1 df,   p=0.1423
Score (logrank) test = 2.75  on 1 df,   p=0.09739,   Robust = 2.11  p=0.1459

# Stata results: coef -.605 se .643

. use, clear
(6 vars, 14372 obs)
. stset exit [pweight=weight], fail(event) exit(exit) id(id) enter(enter)
              id:  id
   failure event:  event != 0 & event < .
obs. time interval:  (exit[_n-1], exit]
enter on or after:  time enter
exit on or before:  time exit
          weight:  [pweight=weight]
  14372  total obs.
  12872  obs. begin on or after exit
   1500  obs. remaining, representing
   1500  subjects
     17  failures in single failure-per-subject data
   1500  total analysis time at risk, at risk from t =         0
                           earliest observed entry t =         0
                                last observed exit t =         1

. stcox tx, nohr robust nolog
       failure _d:  event
 analysis time _t:  exit
enter on or after:  time enter
exit on or before:  time exit
               id:  id
           weight:  [pweight=weight]
(sum of wgt is   1.5062e+03)

Cox regression -- Breslow method for ties

No. of subjects      =  1506.227846                Number of obs   =      1500
No. of failures      =  17.16531456
Time at risk         =  1506.227846
                                                 Wald chi2(1)    =      0.89
Log pseudolikelihood =   -124.48415                Prob > chi2     =    0.3464

                                (Std. Err. adjusted for 1500 clusters in id)
           |               Robust
        _t |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
        tx |  -.6053404   .6428669    -0.94   0.346    -1.865336    .6546555

# dataset (partial)
. list
     |   id   tx   event   enter   exit     weight   _st   _d   _t   _t0 |
  1. |    1    0       0       0      1   1.356058     1    0    1     0 |
  2. |    1    0       0       1      2   1.356058     0    .    .     . |
  3. |    1    0       0       2      3   1.356058     0    .    .     . |
  4. |    1    1       0       3      4   1.356058     0    .    .     . |
  5. |    1    0       0       4      5   1.356058     0    .    .     . |
  6. |    1    0       0       5      6   1.356058     0    .    .     . |
  7. |    1    0       0       6      7   1.356058     0    .    .     . |
  8. |    1    0       0       7      8   1.356058     0    .    .     . |
  9. |    1    0       0       8      9   1.356058     0    .    .     . |
 10. |    1    1       0       9     10   1.356058     0    .    .     . |
 11. |    2    0       0       0      1    1.57168     1    0    1     0 |
 12. |    2    0       0       1      2    1.57168     0    .    .     . |
 13. |    2    1       0       2      3    1.57168     0    .    .     . |
 14. |    2    0       0       3      4    1.57168     0    .    .     . |
 15. |    2    1       0       4      5    1.57168     0    .    .     . |
 16. |    2    1       0       5      6    1.57168     0    .    .     . |
 17. |    2    1       0       6      7    1.57168     0    .    .     . |
 18. |    2    0       0       7      8    1.57168     0    .    .     . |
 19. |    2    0       0       8      9    1.57168     0    .    .     . |
 20. |    2    0       0       9     10    1.57168     0    .    .     . |
 21. |    3    0       0       0      1    .983771     1    0    1     0 |
 22. |    3    0       0       1      2    .983771     0    .    .     . |
 23. |    3    0       0       2      3    .983771     0    .    .     . |
 24. |    3    0       0       3      4    .983771     0    .    .     . |
 25. |    3    1       0       4      5    .983771     0    .    .     . |
 26. |    3    0       0       5      6    .983771     0    .    .     . |
 27. |    3    0       0       6      7    .983771     0    .    .     . |
 28. |    3    0       0       7      8    .983771     0    .    .     . |
 29. |    3    1       0       8      9    .983771     0    .    .     . |
 30. |    3    0       0       9     10    .983771     0    .    .     . |

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