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st: Reclink: high matching score, but no match

From   Devra Golbe <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Reclink: high matching score, but no match
Date   Sat, 24 Dec 2011 16:10:03 -0500

I am using Michael Blasnik's reclink (from SSC) to match records. I get extremely high matching scores, and yet the records do not match. Can anyone help? My code and relevant output are pasted below.

Thanks and happy holidays,

. sort lname fname
 . gen idmaster=_n
 .tempfile ps1a
 .save `ps1a', replace
 . clear
 .use roster100f11Sep7.dta
 .sort lname fname
 .save, replace
 .use `ps1a'

 .reclink lname fname using roster100f11Sep7.dta, ///
   idmaster(idmaster) idusing(student_name) gen(link)

0 perfect matches found

Added: student_name= identifier from roster100f11Sep7.dta link = matching score
Observations:  Master N = 26    roster100f11Sep7.dta N= 182
  Unique Master Cases: matched = 0 (exact = 0), unmatched = 26

.list link _merge in 1/5, clean

         link   _merge
  1.   0.9933        1
  2.   0.9933        1
  3.        .        1
  4.   0.6420        1
  5.   0.9988        1

Devra Golbe
Professor of Economics
Hunter College, CUNY
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