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st: Obtaining a list of variables, their descriptions and their labels

From   Stacey Gelsheimer <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Obtaining a list of variables, their descriptions and their labels
Date   Tue, 12 Jul 2011 10:41:07 -0400

I recently found the AMAZING label list function which made what I am
doing at this stage MUCH easier, but I was disappointed that the
variable descriptions were missing. It seems it would be easy to fill
the rest of the line following the variable name with some information
that would make this a perfectly comprehensible list of everything
about the variables you need to know. I'm assuming something like this
exists, I just have yet to find it.. Does anyone know the best way?
For example, from label list, I see "v024 1 north, 2 south, 3 east, 4
west" but I would LOVE to see "v024 REGION 1 north 2 south 3 east 4
west." With region it's obviously very clear what the variable
references, but when the labels are "1 yes 2 no" it's not as clear.
Thanks for your time and your help!
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