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st: Another q on formatting dates and highlighted data

From   Tasha Amin <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Another q on formatting dates and highlighted data
Date   Thu, 24 Mar 2011 23:30:37 -0400

I pasted my data from Excel and now the following columns are highlighted in red and the dates are not accessible the way I need them to be: 
date of birth (entered as "15-Jul-67") and patient id ("A001").
The variable type for date of birth is str9 with %9s format. How do I get this to be a Stata-readable date so I can calculate age, for example, and so I can read it instantly (so no weird code standing in for 15-Jul-67)? I looked it up online and was not able to convert properly.
The patient id variable type is str4 with %9s format, as well.
Also, why are these columns of data in red?

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