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Re: st: constrained regression but one constraint not being implemented

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: constrained regression but one constraint not being implemented
Date   Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:20:25 +0000

It's at least a quirk that e.g. a reference to `i+1' is interpreted by
Stata as a reference to `i'. That is, the extra characters "+1" are
ignored, and do not trigger an error message. Note that `i1' is a
legal reference to a local macro of that name (and is interpreted as
empty if there is no such macro). It's the "+" that is, or should be,
problematic as such a character can not be part of a Stata name.

But Maarten pointed out, `i + 1' is not equivalent to `i' + 1. As you
want that, you must ask for it directly.


On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Maarten buis <[email protected]> wrote:
> --- On Wed, 23/3/11, Steve Martin wrote:
>> Why does the following piece of code only impose the
>> second of the two constraints when estimating the
>> constrained regression
> <snip>
>> constraint `i+1' llonepenhx=1-`i'/10
>> cnsreg lallcancerssyllr68  $xvar [w=raw0607], constraints(`i'-`i+1')
> replace `i+1' with `= `i' +1'

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