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Re: st: RE: Rolling Regressions

From   Philipp Krueger <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Rolling Regressions
Date   Thu, 17 Mar 2011 20:10:20 +0100

Thank you very much for your advice.
Am 17.03.2011 18:51, schrieb Nick Cox:
You are basically correct about being incorrect.


if count_month==60 {

would be interpreted by Stata as

if count_month[1] == 60 {

which is not what you want.

But Stata [sic] allows this. It is perfectly legal. It just does not do what you want.

As a matter of technique, if you just want a single count, then putting the result in a variable, as in

egen count_month=count(retrf) if year<`i'&year>=(`i'-5)&sic2==`j'

is unnecessary, as

count if retrf<  .&   year<`i'&year>=(`i'-5)&sic2==`j'

would produce a result in r(N) that you could use.

Other postings in this thread have pointed you to better solutions.

[email protected]

Philipp Krueger

I have monthly data and I am trying to run regressions on rolling
windows of the past 60 months (years: t-5). The resulting beta
coefficient should be saved into an existing variable for the months of
the current year t. I think that I am trying to use the “if command” as
if it was an “if qualifier”, something which STATA apparently does not
allow.  My logic is to run the regression whenever 60 months of data are
available in a period “t” for group “j” and if there is no data
available for the last 60 months, setting the variable beta to missing.
Unfortunately, my code does not work:

gen beta=.
forvalues i=1986(1)2000 {
disp "year `i' "
foreach j of numlist 1 2 7{
egen count_month=count(retrf) if year<`i'&year>=(`i'-5)&sic2==`j'
if count_month==60 {
	reg retrf mktrf if year<`i'&year>=(`i' -5)&sic2==`j'
	quietly mat b=get(_b)
	quietly replace beta=b[1,1] if year==`i'&sic2==`j'
else {
	quietly replace beta=. if year==1986&sic2==1
drop count_month

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