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st: Date conversion question

From   Amy Dunbar <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Date conversion question
Date   Wed, 9 Mar 2011 20:03:26 +0000

Sorry to bother the list with a trivial date question, but I can't figure out I read out how to solve my problem.
How do I get a date variable (rssd9999) to show the actual date instead of 2.01e+07?

I tried to pull out the year with
                         gen year = year(rssd9999)
but the generated variable is ".", so the commands suggested in the date and time help file don't work for this variable.

I show the results of tab and codebook for this variable below.

.               tab rssd9999

                Date      Freq.     Percent                Cum.
                2.01e+07              1,218     4.47        4.47
                2.01e+07              5,689     20.88     25.35
                2.01e+07              1,208     4.43        29.78
                2.01e+07              5,669     20.80     50.58
                2.01e+07              1,208     4.43        55.01
                2.01e+07              5,516     20.24     75.26
                2.01e+07              1,215     4.46        79.71
                2.01e+07              5,528     20.29     100.00
                Total      27,251   100.00

. codebook rssd9999

rssd9999                                                                                                          Date

                  type:  numeric (double)

                 range:  [20070331,20081231]          units:  1
         unique values:  8                        missing .:  0/27251

            tabulation:  Freq.  Value
                          1218  20070331
                          5689  20070630
                          1208  20070930
                          5669  20071231
                          1208  20080331
                          5516  20080630
                          1215  20080930
                          5528  20081231


Amy Dunbar
University of Connecticut
School of Business
Department of Accounting
2100 Hillside Road Unit 1041
Storrs, CT 06269-1041

cell 860-208-2737
[email protected]

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