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st: feedback detection

From   Argyn Kuketayev <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: feedback detection
Date   Fri, 4 Mar 2011 16:34:06 -0500

i'm looking for a statistical test which would detect what i call a 'feedback'.

here's the problem. let's say we have workshop with a number of
apprentices. at the beginning of the week, they're all given a bunch
of assignments to do. they give the owner their estimates of durations
of assignment upon receiving their job assignments. at the end of the
week, they're supposed to submit the time sheets, where they fill in
the time they spent on each assignment.

the owner wants to know whether the apprentices are back-fitting their
time sheets to the initial estimates, or they put the true actual
duration of each assignment. any ideas on the possible statistical

Argyn Kuketayev
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