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st: How to consecutively add elements to a macro

From   Thomas Speidel <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: How to consecutively add elements to a macro
Date   Wed, 02 Mar 2011 14:39:36 -0700

local readyvar
use data1.dta
<do something>
save temp1
local readyvar birthday

use data2.dta
<do something>
save temp2
local readyvar <want to _add_ gender to the macro>

use data3.dta
<do something>
save temp3
local readyvar <want to _add_ smoking to the macro>

use temp1
merge id using temp2 temp3, sort
keep readyvar
**********END EXAMPLE************

My question is how to I add elements to an existing macro without having to re-type the whole content of the macro each time? Also, if I understand correctly, local macros exist only if I run the whole do file at once. In other words, if I run 'chunks' of the do files one at a time, I would not be able to use the macro that was created in the previous 'chunk'. Is this one of those cases where a global macro is preferrable?

Thank you.
Thomas Speidel
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