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Antwort: st: passing single left-quotes to latex via -texdoc-

From   Richard Ochmann <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Antwort: st: passing single left-quotes to latex via -texdoc-
Date   Thu, 3 Feb 2011 18:34:37 +0100


have you tried the csquotes package in latex? it allows you to use 
\enquote{} to put your words in quotes, instead of actually writing out 
the quotes.


[email protected] schrieb am 03.02.2011 18:07:26:

> <>
> *!  apologies if this comes through twice, I forgot to change the 
> original msg to 'plain text' and I've waited a while and it hasn't 
> come through yet
> _________
> I'm using Ben Jann's -texdoc- (from SSC, -findit texdoc-) using Mac 
> OSX 10.6 &/or Windows 7, Stata 11 MP to create a latex document. 
> When sending a contraction (like "don't") to the latex document from
> the do-file via the -tex- command, I am having trouble because Stata
> interprets the single left-quote and the single right-quote as a 
> local macro before it's sent to latex (.tex file) for processing. 
> So, if I want the following the typeset latex document to show: 
>           "don't know something." 
>  then I would normally put this into the latex .tex document: 
>          ``don't know something." 
> with 2 single left-quotes in front of the word "don't"; however 
> Stata is trying to interpret one of those with as a local macro 
> ending in the apostrophe in the word "don't."
> I tried escape characters and double quoting the left-quotes and 
> right-quotes, but I cannot get it to pass the text to latex properly
> (No, I cannot change the language to "do not.")   I can get it to 
> pass the two left-quotes properly if I change the apostrophe in 
> "don't" to a left-quote as well, but this is not ideal (see the 3rd 
> example below.) 
> The code below shows a self-contained example of what I'm doing. 
> I included an extra macro (called mymacro) to show that complicating
> this quotes/double quotes set up are many local macros spread 
> throughout these sentences, which add more sets of left and right 
> quotes to deal with. 
> The part at the bottom can be discarded, but if you've got latex 
> installed (I use miktex on windows and mactex on mac), this should 
> process/typeset the document and allow you to see the interpreted 
> output without having to navigate to the files -- it may not work 
> with all configurations.
> *-------------------------------------------------------*  Begin
> clear 
> pwd   //note: here's where the files will be stored
> loc mymacro   "something here."
> *****texdoc
> texdoc init dontknow, replace
> tex \documentclass[12pt]{article}
> tex \usepackage{times,graphicx,fancyhdr,lastpage,ulem,amsmath}
> tex \begin{document}
> tex ``don't know `mymacro'"  %doesnt work
> tex
> tex "``"don't know `mymacro'"  %%doesnt work
> tex
> tex ``don`t know `mymacro'"    %% this _works_ but w/o apostrophe
> tex \end{document}
> texdoc close
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
> if "`c(os)'" == "Windows"{
>    cap rm "dontknow.pdf"
>    !pdflatex "dontknow.tex"
>    di as smcl `"CLICK TO OPEN: {browse `"dontknow.pdf"'}"'
>    }
> if "`c(os)'" == "MacOSX" {
>    **no, pdflatex is not in my $PATH for some local configuration 
>    !/usr/texbin/pdflatex  "dontknow.tex"  "dontknow"
>    !open "dontknow.pdf"
>    di as smcl `"CLICK TO OPEN: {browse `"dontknow.pdf"'}"'
>    }
> *-------------------------------------------------------*  End
> I've searched several latex help pages, but this really is a issue 
> that happens on the Stata-side of things (before it's sent to the .
> tex file) so I'm hoping others here might have come across this 
> issue and found a better solution than using a single left-quote in 
> place of the apostrophe.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> - Eric
> __
> Eric A. Booth
> Public Policy Research Institute
> Texas A&M University
> [email protected]
> Office: +979.845.6754
> Fax: +979.845.0249
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