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RE: st: Keep observations in panel data

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Keep observations in panel data
Date   Tue, 18 Jan 2011 19:16:23 +0000

Here is another way to do it using -tsspell- from SSC:

. tsset id year
. tsspell, fcond(subsidy & !subsidy[_n+1] & !subsidy[_n+2])

. l

     | id   year   subsidy   _spell   _seq   _end |
  1. |  1   2000         0        0      0      0 |
  2. |  1   2001         0        0      0      0 |
  3. |  1   2002         1        1      1      0 |
  4. |  1   2003         0        1      2      0 |
  5. |  1   2004         0        1      3      0 |
  6. |  1   2005         1        1      4      1 |
  7. |  2   2000         0        0      0      0 |
  8. |  2   2001         0        0      0      0 |
  9. |  2   2002         1        0      0      0 |
 10. |  2   2003         1        0      0      0 |
 11. |  2   2004         0        0      0      0 |
 12. |  2   2005         1        0      0      0 |
 13. |  3   2000         1        0      0      0 |
 14. |  3   2001         1        0      0      0 |
 15. |  3   2002         1        0      0      0 |

. drop if _spell == 0 | _seq >= 4

. l

     | id   year   subsidy   _spell   _seq   _end |
  1. |  1   2002         1        1      1      0 |
  2. |  1   2003         0        1      2      0 |
  3. |  1   2004         0        1      3      0 |

[email protected] 

Nick Cox

Here is another way to tackle this that hinges on being able to pack
the history into a string variable:

 gen history = ""
 bysort id (year) : replace history = history[_n-1] + string(subsidy)
 by id : replace history = history[_N]
 by id : gen start = strpos(history, "100") == _n
 by id : keep if start == 1 | start[_n-1] == 1 | start[_n-2] == 1

On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 3:29 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:

> bysort id (year) : keep if
> (subsidy == 1 & subsidy[_n+1] == 0 & subsidy[_n+2] == 0) |
> (subsidy == 0 & subsidy[_n-1] == 1 & subsidy[_n+1] == 0) |
> (subsidy == 0 & subsidy[_n-2] == 1 & subsidy[_n-1] == 0)

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