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st: RE: Mimicking graph bar's multiple over options in ciplot

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Mimicking graph bar's multiple over options in ciplot
Date   Tue, 30 Nov 2010 11:23:34 +0000

-ciplot- is from SSC. Please explain where user-written programs you refer to come from, as requested long since in the FAQ. 

This would be a small change for -ciplot- in the same sense as pigs with wings would be a small change: it's easy to imagine, but it's not possible at present, and in fact fundamental problems lie in the way. -ciplot- is a wrapper for -graph twoway- and thus does not support the functionality of -graph bar-. End of that story. 

To get what you want, a better strategy is to combine the use of -statsby- to get a reduced dataset with something like -graph dot-:

sysuse citytemp, clear
local label "`: var label tempjan', deg F" 
statsby mean=r(mean) ub=r(ub) lb=r(lb), by(division region) clear : ci tempjan

graph dot (asis) ub lb mean, ///
marker(1, mcolor(black) ms(oh)) marker(2, mcolor(black) ms(oh)) ///
marker(3, mcolor(black) ms(O)) ///
over(division) over(region) nofill ytitle("`label'") legend(off)

For more on -statsby- as a way -- I now think the best way -- of getting confidence interval plots, see 

SJ-10-1 gr0045  . . . . . . . . . . . . . Speaking Stata: The statsby strategy
        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  N. J. Cox
        Q1/10   SJ 10(1):143--151                                (no commands)
        demonstrates the use of statsby to prepare a reduced
        dataset for subsequent graphing

I am very much aware that the solution above does not extend to conventional symbols for the confidence intervals. To get that, I think you need -twoway- functionality but to reproduce the functionality from -graph dot- of handling nested groupings would be harder work. Some material within 

SJ-8-2  gr0034  . . . . . . . . . .  Speaking Stata: Between tables and graphs
        (help labmask, seqvar if installed) . . . . . . . . . . . .  N. J. Cox
        Q2/08   SJ 8(2):269--289
        outlines techniques for producing table-like graphs

might help. 

[email protected] 


I would like to create a graph of estimates of means with standard
error bars. ciplot seems like an excellent tool for this. I would like
to make one small change, though: I would like to arrange the
estimates in a format similar to that produced by graph bar with
multiple over() options.

As an example:

sysuse citytemp, clear

// ciplot produces the content I want
//  mean plotted with a point
//  confidence interval around point estimate plotted with capped bar
ciplot tempjan, by(division)

// graph bar produces the formatting I want
//  separating first by region and then by division within region
gr bar (mean) tempjan, over(division) over(region) nofill

How could I produce a graph that combines these?

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