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st: Kappa for multiple raters and paired body parts

From   Garry Anderson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Kappa for multiple raters and paired body parts
Date   Sat, 20 Nov 2010 17:40:06 +1100

Dear Statalist

I wish to estimate a single kappa (SE or 95%CI) when there are 4 raters
that each rate the left and right eyes of about 150 patients. The
response for each eye is binary. Estimation of kappa (SE) can be done
separately for the left eye and the right eye using -kap- or -kapci-,
however I am unsure as to how to include both eyes and take account of
the non-independence of eyes. Schouten (1993) describes the methodology
for two raters.

Schouten HJA (1993) Estimating kappa from binocular data and comparing
marginal probabilities. Statistics in Medicine 12: 2207-2217.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Cheers, Garry
Garry Anderson
School of Veterinary Science
University of Melbourne
250 Princes Highway    Ph  03 9731 2221
WERRIBEE    3030       Fax 03 9731 2388
Email:  [email protected]


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