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st: Re: a specific data management question

From   Dirk Enzmann <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: a specific data management question
Date   Thu, 12 Aug 2010 14:02:37 +0200

"John F Hall" <[email protected]> wrote:

Don't know about Stata as I don't have it here, but in SPSS:

count x = tag (1) .
crosstabs x by firm .        <various options for %, stats>

John, this is *Statalist*, not the SPSS discussion list. I strongly suggest *not* to present solutions using other software - otherwise we could also present solutions using R, SAS, ..., such solutions can't answer the question.

However, *if* you have reason to show this forum how a solution looks like in SPSS, it should really solve the problem. Because some reader might think that this is the case here (which it is not), I will present it - but mind, this is *Statalist*!

Grace's question was to create a *variable*, not to tabulate results. To create variables using summary statistics is notoriously difficult when using SPSS. An SPSS solution for this problem is:

/* --------- example begins here --------- */
data list list
    /firm tag.
begin data
1 0
1 .
1 1
1 1
1 3
2 0
2 1
2 2
2 3
3 0
3 0
3 .
end data.

compute id = $casenum.
compute firmtag = 10*firm+tag.
sort cases by firmtag.
AGGREGATE OUTFILE='C:\temp\AggrDat.tmp'
     /BY firmtag.
if value(tag) <> 1 n_ft=0.
if missing(tag) n_ft=0.
sort cases by firm.
AGGREGATE OUTFILE='C:\temp\AggrDat.tmp'
     /BY firm.
sort cases by id.
add files
   /drop id firmtag n_ft.
erase file = 'C:\temp\AGGRDAT.TMP'.
/* ---------- example ends here ---------- */.

But please, let us *not* discuss this solution here but move to the SPSS discussion list if you feel that this is necessary.


Dr. Dirk Enzmann
Institute of Criminal Sciences
Dept. of Criminology
Rothenbaumchaussee 33
D-20148 Hamburg

phone: +49-(0)40-42838.7498 (office)
       +49-(0)40-42838.4591 (Mrs Billon)
fax:   +49-(0)40-42838.2344
email: [email protected]
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