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st: New version of -oaxaca- available from SSC

From   Ben Jann <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: New version of -oaxaca- available from SSC
Date   Mon, 4 Jan 2010 14:25:04 +0100

Thanks to Kit Baum, a new version of the -oaxaca- package is available
from SSC. -oaxaca- computes the so-called Blinder-Oaxaca
decomposition, which is often used to analyze wage gaps by sex or
race. To install the new version, type

 . ssc install oaxaca, replace

or use the -adoupdate- command.

Main changes:

o  -oaxaca- now supports the non-linear decomposition for binary
dependent variables proposed by Yun (2004), either using a logit or a
probit link.

o There is a new syntax for summation of detailed results; see
"Subsume results for sets of variables" in -help oaxaca-; this
replaces the detail() option. For example, you could type

 . oaxaca lnwage educ (expten: exper tenure), by(female)

to subsume the contributions of variables "exper" and "tenure".

o There is a new syntax for normalization of categorical variables;
see "Normalization of categorical variables" in -help oaxaca-; this
replaces the categorical() option. For example, you could type

 . oaxaca lnwage educ exper normalize(isco1-isco9), by(female)

to normalize the effects of the dummy variables representing the
ISCO-88 major groups.

o  By default now the detailed decomposition is reported; specify
-nodetail- to suppress the detailed decomposition.

The new -oaxaca- version is not fully backward compatible (also the
structure of the returned results changed somewhat). However, the
previous version of the program is now available from SSC as
-oaxaca9-. To run an old do-file, install -oaxaca9- and within the
do-file replace all instances of  "oaxaca" to "oaxaca9".

Happy New Year!

Yun, Myeong-Su (2004). Decomposing differences in the first moment.
Economics Letters 82: 275-280.
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