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RE: st: local macro query

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: local macro query
Date   Mon, 23 Jun 2008 16:48:49 +0100

Sergiy's work-around is clever, but my answer to this is more elementary: as a matter of style, don't define things before you have all the information you need. I'd be interested to know if Daniel has a problem in which that approach is not applicable. 

[email protected] 

Sergiy Radyakin

The "\" prevents macro from being evaluated, and thus includes the
reference, not the value into the local being defined. E.g.:

. local test "A \`B' C"
. di `"`test'"'
A  C

// ... later in the program ....

. local B "Zypsel"
. di `"`test'"'
A Zypsel C

On 6/23/08, H�chle, Daniel (MI Switzerland) <[email protected]> wrote:

> For a program I would like to create several local macros containing strings of type "A `B' C". Later in my program the string "A `B' C" will be evaluated. Unfortunately, however, I don't manage to include single quotes in local macros. I fully understand that
>   . local Test "A `B' C"
>   . disp "'Test'"
>   A  C
> can't be the solution since local macro B is still empty.

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