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st: how to insert rows in tables

From   "FUKUGAWA, N." <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: how to insert rows in tables
Date   Sun, 20 Jan 2008 12:51:31 +0900

Dear all,
I have a dataset that has several blank cells represented as
period (.) and generated tables as follows.

year	cat	var1
1950	1	.
1950	1	.
1950	2	3
1960	1	7
1960	2	1
1960	2	5

bys year: table cat , c(mean var1)

Stata returns;

year = 1950
2	3

year = 1960
1	7	
2	3

The results of cat==1 if year==1950 is unreported since
observations are blank.
Here, I would like all the tables to retain the same number of rows.

year = 1950
cat	var1
1	.
2	3

year = 1960
cat	var1
1	7	
2	3

How can I do this using Stata 9?
Thank you in advance.
FUKUGAWA Nobuya, Ph.D.
[email protected]
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