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Re: st: IVtobit estimation

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: IVtobit estimation
Date   Sat, 14 Apr 2007 23:41:02 -0500

At 09:38 PM 4/14/2007, Leonor Saravia wrote:
Hello Statalist,

I'm using the ivtobit6 command to do my regressions in Stata 8, but
when I run the complete model including the ll(0) (That's the
censoring point the dependent variable has), Stata tells me that I
can't use that extension, in fact, it tells: "invalid ll".  The model
which i'm trying to run is:

ivtobit6 inversion, endog(impprom) iv(imppromVI) exog(PIB98
industria1-industria8 tamano1 tamano2 region2-region13),ll(0)

When I run the same model without the ll(0), the command functions well.
It looks like you have an extra comma before ll(0).

However, why even use this in the first place? The package description says "Stata 8.2 or 9.x users should use official ivprobit and ivtobit." Updating from Stata 8 to 8.2 is free.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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