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st: RE: creating a "years since event" variable in panel data

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: creating a "years since event" variable in panel data
Date   Fri, 9 Mar 2007 11:48:22 -0000

Note that there is an 

FAQ     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First and last occurrences in panel data
         12/05   How can I identify first and last occurrences
                systematically in panel data?

In Christer's set-up, the first OBSYEAR in which EVENT first occurred by 
ID is

egen FIRSTYEAR = min(cond(EVENT == 1, OBSYEAR, .)), by(ID) 

after which you can subtract. The trick here is realising that many 
-egen- functions will accept _expressions_ and not just variable names. 
FIRSTYEAR will, naturally, be missing if the EVENT never occurred
to any ID. 

I'd echo Austin in also plugging -tsspell- from SSC. 

[email protected] 

Christer Thrane
> I have a annual panel data set (1 obs per year), where ID 
> identifies the 
> person and the variable OBSYEAR the year of observation 
> (1995=1, 1996=2, 
> ..., 2002=7).
> The variable TIME is the time dimension, ranging from 0 to 7.
> The variable EVENT is a dymmy (1=event happened during the 
> year in question; 
> 0=event did not happen during the year in question).
> Q: How do I create the variable NUMBER OF YEARS SINCE (A 
> FROM 0 to 1 on EVENT?

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