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st: Re: slide presentation by Stata employees

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: slide presentation by Stata employees
Date   Sun, 17 Dec 2006 07:53:17 -0500

You will find numerous examples of this presentation style in Stata Users Group materials by non-StataCorp employees as well. It is LaTeX beamer,
A 'beamer' is the word Germans use to describe a computer projector.

beamer is the cat's whiskers. You often see the format Bobby used below (e.g.
which is the style known as 'warsaw'. But beamer comes with a 200+ page manual (pdf) and dozens of styles, which can reproduce any sort of effect you might like. Note also that the 'table of contents' in my presentation is clickable. The structure of the presentation is generated using standard LaTeX commands -- \section, \subsection, etc.

beamer requires no software beyond your normal LaTeX suite (for David, probably TeXShop for Mac OS X), produces PDFs automatically (no more stinkin .ppt files that require the viewer to have MS PPT!) and best of all, like all of LaTeX, is platform-independent (so you can exchange beamer presentations with coauthors using different OS) and is FREE.

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:

On Dec 17, 2006, at 2:33 AM, David wrote:

Any one know what latex package is used by some stata people to
present? I really like the look of this presentation on xtmixed and
want to emulate...
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