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Re: st: wsanova syntax

From   Joseph Coveney <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: wsanova syntax
Date   Wed, 04 Oct 2006 16:29:17 +0900

Christian Genova wrote:

Can someone kindly lend assistance on the wsanova syntax for repeated
measures. I'm still a novice with STATA so hope anyone can assist.

There are 2 repeated variables: id and control.  ID is person belonging
to group "control".  Tthe same persons in year 1 (id) belonging to group
(control) were analyzed in time 2.
I want to compare the scores in time 1 and 2, between time (scores in
time 1 compared with scores in time 2) and control in time 1 and 2
(whether there was signicant difference in scores of "control 1" at time
1 to scores at time 2, and within "control" in time 1 and 2 (whether
there was significant difference between scores of "control 1 and 2" in
time 1 compared to time 2).

time      id    control    score
1         1      1            5
1         2      1            6
1         3      1            5
1         1      2            3
1         2      2            4
2         1      1            7
2         2      1            8
2         3      1            5
2         1      2            2
2         2      2            10

I used:   wsanova  SCORE CONTROL, id(ID) between(TIME).  Is this correct?


The syntax for -wsanova- doesn't look right.

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