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st: RE: rolling prais regression in paneld dataset

From   "Scott Merryman" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: rolling prais regression in paneld dataset
Date   Mon, 17 Jul 2006 09:05:25 -0500

Does -rolling- know you have panel data?

Another way to accomplish this is to use -postfile- to collect the estimated
coefficient and -predict- the residuals and predicted values for each

For example:

webuse grunfeld, clear 

tempfile results 
tempname hold 

postfile `hold'  constant coef  rho using `results'
qui {
gen predicted = .
gen residual = .
forv i = 1/10   { 
	prais invest mvalue if com == `i'
	local const = _b[_cons]
	local coef = _b[mvalue]
	local rho = e(rho)
	predict pred if com == `i'
	predict resid if  e(sample), r
	replace predicted = pred if com == `i'
	replace residual =resid if com == `i'
	drop pred resid
	post `hold' (`const') (`coef') (`rho') 
save predicted, replace
postclose `hold'
use `results', clear
save roll,replace


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
> [email protected]] On Behalf Of [email protected]
> Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 12:00 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: rolling prais regression in paneld dataset
> Hi I am using Stata9's new rolling capability with prais regression
> on a panel dataset (unbalanced panal with about 10,000 individuals
> and roughly 15 years for each).
> Stata-tech support helped me write a little program that collects,
> in addition to coefficients of the regression, its predicted values
> and residuals. But the program doesn't seem to work well, and I am
> not sure where the bug is, I tried recontacting tech support, but
> so far no answer. Here is my code, any help would be greately
> appreciated:
> *************************
> tsset person year
> program myforecast, rclass
> 	syntax [if]
> 	prais r exp `if'
> 	summ year if e(sample)
> 	local min=r(min)
> 	predict pred`min' if e(sample)
> 	predict resid`min' if e(sample), r
> 	return scalar n=r(N)
> 	return scalar rho=e(rho)
> end
> rolling rho=r(rho) n=r(n), window(15) ///
> 	saving(roll, replace): myforecast
> save pred, replace
> *****************************
> Olga Gorbachev Melloni
> Economics Ph.D. Student
> Columbia University

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