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st: RE: individual column/dataset properties

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: individual column/dataset properties
Date   Mon, 19 Dec 2005 11:45:47 -0000

Stata has no concept of "columns" except in a matrix. 
Why don't you use the terminology of "variables"? 

What Stata allows is specification of a datatype. 
That is evidently not as restrictive as you want. 

A long time ago, Stata had an interactive 
command -modify-, and interactive commands could be written 
that used constraints to filter input. But 
they could always be subverted by direct
use of -replace-, -edit-, etc. 

Otherwise, the main possibility is checking 
existing data with -assert-. 

You can go 

. assert inrange(var1,0,30) & var1 == int(var1) 

and Stata will squawk if this is not true. 

Note that you need another word, even privately, 
for what you call format, as Stata's concept is
quite different. 

As for -protect-, this doesn't ring any bells 
in Stata terms. I can't see any case for Stata
usurping the functions of an operating system
and/or network. 

On the whole, what you want is more in the 
line of database software than statistical 

[email protected] 

Rafal Raciborski
> is there a way to impose certain restrictions on individual 
> columns in 
> a Stata dataset?  e.g., numeric values must be in the range 
> [0,30] and 
> integers or, for a SSN column, character values must be of the format 
> XXX-XX-XXXX and, at the same time, must be of length 11.  if they are 
> not, the user will be warned and the change/input rejected.
> furthermore, is there a way to password-protect an individual 
> column/whole dataset so that only authorized users can 
> copy/modify it?  
> a milder protection could be that one can make an unprotected copy of 
> the protected column/dataset and modify the copy; a stricter 
> protection 
> would not even allow making changes in copies (or even copying in the 
> first place).
> i was thinking about something like:
> -----------------
> attribute command
> -----------------
> attr var1, range(0,30) & integer
> attr var2, range(>1)
> attr var3, format(nnn-nn-nnnn) & length(11)
> attr var4, format(CC)  // meaning two capitalized characters
> attr dir
> attr list var1
> attr drop var1
> attr drop _all
> ------------------
> protection command
> ------------------
> protect var1 "password", mild  // default is strict
> protect data "password"
> protect // a general query whether password-protection exists
> protect drop var1 "password"  // eliminates protection
> protect drop data "password"

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