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st: RE: referencing a specific cell

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: referencing a specific cell
Date   Wed, 7 Dec 2005 12:25:07 -0000

Kit's solution looks incomplete to me. 

I guess that "second" cannot be special 
unless observations are ordered within 
-id- in some important way, say by time. 

Thus observations must be kept in the 
same relative order within -id-, which is 
not guaranteed by Kit's code. One way to 
do it is 

sort household_id, stable 
by household_id: replace wage2 = wage1[2] if wage2 == .

If there were say a time variable -time-, then 

bysort household_id (time) : replace wage2 = wage1[2] if wage2 == .

[email protected] 

Kit Baum
> Irina asks
> Suppose my data has 2 observations per household and is organized as:
> household_id	wage of person1		wage of person2
> 1			3			.			
> 1			5			.		
> 2			6			.		
> 2			7			.			
> I would like Stata to, whenever the wage of person 2 is missing, to  
> substitute into it the SECOND observation of the wage of person 1  
> within that household. So I would want the data to look like:
> household id	wage of person1		wage of person2
> 1			3			5
> 1			5			5
> 2			6			7
> 2			7			7
> bysort household_id: replace wage2 = wage1[2] if wage2 == .

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