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st: psmatch and matching methods

From   Manuel Ch�vez <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: psmatch and matching methods
Date   Mon, 18 Jul 2005 10:20:01 -0500

I'm using psmatch to estimate the matching of several variables and I'm
obtaining very different result on the impact depending if I use the nearest
neighbor, the Mahlanabis distance and the kernel matching methods. My
questions are:

1) If somebody knows why this happen?
2) If it is correct to take the average of the three methods for obtaining a
more acurate estimation of the impacts?


Manuel G. Ch�vez Angeles
Consultor Nacional de Impactos

Providencia No. 334 5� Piso
Col. del Valle
M�xico, D.F. 03100
Tel. 11076425/26/30/31 Ext. 319

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