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st: Re: graphics: radar graph

From   Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: graphics: radar graph
Date   Mon, 11 Jul 2005 08:17:43 -0700 (PDT)


Stata refers to this type of graph as a "star chart" and it was
available in Stata 7. In later versions of Stata you can create star
charts with the -graph7- command.

. sysuse auto
. graph7 price mpg weight length turn, star label(make) select(1,9)

Friedrich Huebler

--- Chris Kopp <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear statalisters
> I am trying to create a radar graph (I am not sure if this is the
> most 
> common name for it; see explanation below) with stata and have
> checked the 
> graphics manual (and Mitchell's visual guide) as well as the online
> help, 
> FAQ and the list archives, to no avail.
> Does anyone know if there already exists a way to do this in stata?
> A radar graph looks like a radar screen (or a spider web), and on
> each of 
> the radial axes (of equal length) there is one point, indicating
> the degree 
> to which a certain goal is attained, for example. Connecting all
> the points 
> yields a polygon which allows to discover differences between the
> points on 
> the axes quite nicely in a visual way.
> Thanks, Chris

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