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RE: st: Differences between stata 9 and 8.2 - factor analysis

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: Differences between stata 9 and 8.2 - factor analysis
Date   Mon, 20 Jun 2005 13:09:59 -0500

At 10:39 AM 6/20/2005 -0700, you wrote:

Thanks for the hint. Yes, you are right, as expected the results are the
same as in the real 8.2 when I use -version-. My only problem now is
that I have to figure out what exactly the difference between the two
version is and which one I should trust (and how to justify that). The
whatsnew just tells me that rotate has been expanded with new methods of
rotations, but I don't see how that should affect my usage of VARIMAX.

I guess something has been changed on how that rotation works, perhaps a
starting value? Any clues?
If everything is the same except the factor loadings have all switched signs, doesn't that mean that the old and new factors are perfectly negatively correlated? If so, does it matter which one you "trust?"

Even if it doesn't, the change seems odd, and I agree that the reasons are not clear from the online help alone. Perhaps the new Multivariate Statistics Manual contains the details, but nothing stood out when I did a quick skim.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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