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Re: st: RE: adding text to "by graphs"

From   Chris Ruebeck <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: adding text to "by graphs"
Date   Fri, 25 Mar 2005 11:55:57 -0500

One more note for Tim if he decides to do it himself: a program that is 'byable' might do the looping automatically. Yes? Then combine the graphs afterwards.


On Mar 25, 2005, at 10:12 AM, Nick Cox wrote:

I think this is way beyond what you can do by a -by()- option. You need to loop over groups,
create separate graphs, and then -combine- them. That's not difficult, but you need to do it yourself.

Tim Wade

Can anyone provide any tips about how I can add different text annotations in a "by graph"? I created scatter plots using the by option and would like to add the R2 and regression equations for each graph. If I use, for example: text(1 2 "xxxx"), then "xxxx" is added to each of the graphs, which obviously won't work when I want the unique regression equations
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