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RE: st: RE: Problems with -ssc inst <package>, replace-

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: Problems with -ssc inst <package>, replace-
Date   Tue, 18 May 2004 16:24:47 +0100

I was one of the original authors of -ssc-, but 
I don't understand how it works... 

More precisely, the hard work here is done by -net-. 
-net-, I believe, looks in stata.trk to keep track 
of what you have installed using -net-. 

You can look at your stata.trk to see what is there 

. findfile stata.trk, all 

but don't edit it! 

The ", all" here is a check to see if you have 
something bizarre, namely two or more stata.trk files 
as a consequence of your complicated history, which 
shouldn't happen. 

Somehow, I guess, your stata.trk indicates installations 
in a way that doesn't map to your present set of 
files. The remedy was just to clear the relevant bit 
of history and start again. 

In fact you can do it all through -ssc-: 

. ssc uninst catplot 
. ssc inst catplot 

StataCorp may want to add to this (or subtract from it). 

[email protected] 

Clive Nicholas
> Nick Cox responded:
> > Try
> >
> > . ado uninstall catplot
> > . ssc inst catplot
> This worked perfectly. Thanks for this, Nick.
> However, it would still be useful to know if anybody knows of 
> a direct fix
> for
> . ssc inst foo, replace
> as it's a very useful command (for obvious reasons). 

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