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SPAM (06.55): Re: st: SSC activity, April 2004 and xtabond

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   SPAM (06.55): Re: st: SSC activity, April 2004 and xtabond
Date   Mon, 03 May 2004 19:11:56 +0000

This mail is probably spam.  The original message has been attached
so you can view it if you wish.

Content preview:  Given the discussions recently on xtabond, I installed,
  via ssc, xtabond2. > Over 26,000 ado-files were downloaded from the SSC
  archive in April, > representing the contributed works of 140 members
  of the Stata user > community. Over 14,000 of these downloads were
  performed by Stata 8.0, > 8.1 or 8.2. Please heed the admonition on the
  SSC web pages to use the > ssc command, rather than a web browser, to
  properly download and > install SSC materials--especially if you use
  Windows. > > shows the sizable number of
  SSC routines > added or modified within the last 30 days. Within Stata,
  you may access > this list (with links to the files) using > ssc
  whatsnew. > > The statistics: > > 1. 492.50 Nicholas J. Cox LEVELS > 2.
  382.67 Barbara Sianesi PSMATCH2 > 3. 382.67 Edwin Leuven PSMATCH2 > 4.
  349.00 John Luke Gallup OUTREG > 5. 340.00 Fred Wolfe QSIM > 6. 290.50
  Enzo Coviello STKERHAZ [...] 

Content analysis details:   (6.6 points, 6.0 required)
 0.2 NO_REAL_NAME           From: does not include a real name
 1.0 FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS      From: ends in numbers
 5.4 BAYES_99               BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 99 to 100%
                            [score: 1.0000]

--- Begin Message ---
From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: SSC activity, April 2004 and xtabond
Date   Mon, 03 May 2004 19:11:56 +0000
Given the discussions recently on xtabond, I installed, via ssc, xtabond2.
> Over 26,000 ado-files were downloaded from the SSC archive in April, 
> representing the contributed works of 140 members of the Stata user 
> community. Over 14,000 of these downloads were performed by Stata 8.0, 
> 8.1 or 8.2. Please heed the admonition on the SSC web pages to use the 
> ssc command, rather than a web browser, to properly download and 
> install SSC materials--especially if you use Windows.
>  shows the sizable number of SSC routines 
> added or modified within the last 30 days. Within Stata, you may access 
> this list (with links to the files) using
> ssc whatsnew.
> The statistics:
>    1.    492.50            Nicholas J. Cox              LEVELS
>    2.    382.67            Barbara Sianesi            PSMATCH2
>    3.    382.67               Edwin Leuven            PSMATCH2
>    4.    349.00           John Luke Gallup              OUTREG
>    5.    340.00                 Fred Wolfe                QSIM
>    6.    290.50              Enzo Coviello            STKERHAZ

>    7.    273.00         Christopher F Baum              MVSUMM
>    8.    273.00            Nicholas J. Cox              MVSUMM
>    9.    272.00        Sophia Rabe-Hesketh              GLLAMM
>   10.    223.00         Christopher F Baum              IVREG2
>   11.    223.00            Steven Stillman              IVREG2
>   12.    223.00            Mark E Schaffer              IVREG2
>   13.    219.00              David Roodman            XTABOND2
>   14.    196.67              Enzo Coviello            STCOMPET
>   15.    172.00         Christopher F Baum            WHITETST
>   16.    172.00            Nicholas J. Cox            WHITETST
>   17.    128.00           Richard Sperling            WNTSTMVQ
>   18.    128.00         Christopher F Baum            WNTSTMVQ
>   19.    118.00              Vince Wiggins              BPAGAN
>   20.    118.00         Christopher F Baum              BPAGAN
>   21.    117.00         Christopher F Baum              BGTEST
>   22.    117.00              Vince Wiggins              BGTEST

>   23.    110.00           Fabian Bornhorst              IPSHIN
>   24.    110.00         Christopher F Baum              IPSHIN
>   25.    109.00            Nicholas J. Cox              WINSOR
>   26.    105.67             Charles Morris              JOHANS
>   27.    105.67               Ken Heinecke              JOHANS
>   28.    105.67               Patrick Joly              JOHANS
>   29.    102.00           Antoine Terracol              OUTTEX
>   30.    102.00         Stephen P. Jenkins            INEQDECO
>   31.    100.50               Roger Newson             REGAXIS
>   32.     99.00               Patrick Joly              VECECM
>   33.     96.00         Christopher F Baum            LEVINLIN
>   34.     96.00              David Roodman                ABAR
>   35.     96.00           Fabian Bornhorst            LEVINLIN
>   36.     93.23               Patrick Joly              VARLAG
>   37.     93.00              J. Scott Long             FITSTAT
>   38.     93.00              Jeremy Freese             FITSTAT

>   39.     91.50               Roger Aliaga            GINIDESC
>   40.     91.50             Silvia Montoya            GINIDESC
>   41.     91.40         Christopher F Baum               VECAR
>   42.     90.00            Steven Stillman              OVERID
>   43.     90.00         Christopher F Baum              OVERID
>   44.     90.00            Mark E Schaffer              OVERID
>   45.     90.00              Vince Wiggins              OVERID
>   46.     89.00         Christopher F Baum             XTTEST2
>   47.     85.33            Joseph Harkness      IVPROB-IVTOBIT
>   48.     83.00         Christopher F Baum           MADFULLER
>   49.     81.50           Antoine Terracol           TRIPROBIT
>   50.     79.00              Herve M. Caci            CORTESTI
>   51.     79.00         Christopher F Baum            OMNINORM
>   52.     77.00            Nicholas J. Cox              MATMAP
>   53.     77.00              Adrian Mander                 IPF
>   54.     77.00               Roger Newson            DESCSAVE

>   55.     76.00              Vince Wiggins            HECKMAN2
>   56.     73.75               Patrick Joly              VECAR6
>   57.     73.75         Christopher F Baum              VECAR6
>   58.     73.00         Stephen P. Jenkins            MVPROBIT
>   59.     73.00                   Ben Jann               MRTAB
>   60.     73.00             Hilde Schaeper               MRTAB
>   61.     73.00         Lorenzo Cappellari            MVPROBIT
>   62.     72.00            Philip B. Ender                 XI3
>   63.     72.00         Christopher F Baum             HADRILM
>   64.     72.00           Michael Mitchell                 XI3
>   65.     71.00            Mark E Schaffer           IVHETTEST
>   66.     68.00          Philippe Van Kerm            INEQUAL7
>   67.     67.00         Christopher F Baum             IVENDOG
>   68.     67.00            Mark E Schaffer             IVENDOG
>   69.     67.00            Steven Stillman             IVENDOG
>   70.     66.06                Nick Winter                 SVR

>   71.     65.50           Jonah B. Gelbach            PROBITIV
>   72.     64.00              Adrian Mander              HAPIPF
>   73.     62.33         Christopher F Baum           PANELUNIT
>   74.     62.00            Nicholas J. Cox             KEYPLOT
>   75.     59.00             Dan Blanchette            SHORTDIR
>   76.     57.00                 Rory Wolfe              OMODEL
>   77.     57.00         Christopher F Baum             XTTEST3
>   78.     57.00             Dan Blanchette          CONFIRMDIR
>   79.     56.33             Dan Blanchette              TMPDIR
>   80.     56.25                  Jon Deeks            METAAGGR
>   81.     56.25                Doug Altman            METAAGGR
>   82.     56.25            Thomas Steichen            METAAGGR
>   83.     56.25              Mike Bradburn            METAAGGR
>   84.     56.00          Philippe Van Kerm             POVERTY
>   85.     55.00              Vince Wiggins             DURBINH
>   86.     55.00         Christopher F Baum             DURBINH

>   87.     55.00               Aijing Shang             META_LR
>   88.     54.00              Jeroen Weesie             HAUSMAN
>   89.     54.00               Ken Heinecke             MLCOINT
>   90.     54.00              Vince Wiggins             DTOBIT2
>   91.     52.00         Christopher F Baum              IVGMM0
>   92.     52.00           David M. Drukker              IVGMM0
>   93.     51.00         Christopher F Baum            OVERIDXT
>   94.     51.00            Nicholas J. Cox             _GEQANY
>   95.     51.00              Vince Wiggins            OVERIDXT
>   96.     51.00            Steven Stillman            OVERIDXT
>   97.     51.00   Isaias H. Salgado-Ugarte            KERNREG2
>   98.     51.00              Toru Taniuchi            KERNREG2
>   99.     51.00            Nicholas J. Cox            KERNREG2
> 100.     50.50                Nick Winter             SURVWGT
> 101.     50.00           Fabian Bornhorst             NHARVEY
> 102.     50.00         Christopher F Baum             NHARVEY

> 103.     49.00         Christopher F Baum               DFGLS
> 104.     49.00               Markus Gangl             RBOUNDS
> 105.     49.00           Richard Sperling               DFGLS
> 106.     48.00         Joao Pedro Azevedo              GRQREG
> 107.     48.00           Jonah B. Gelbach             TOBITIV
> 108.     47.00              Adrian Mander            WHOTDECK
> 109.     47.00         Christopher F Baum            ARIMAFIT
> 110.     46.50                 Ian Watson               LATAB
> 111.     46.00                 Fred Wolfe             FINDDUP
> 112.     46.00            Nicholas J. Cox                 LJS
> 113.     45.29             Dan Blanchette             SAVASAS
> 114.     45.00             Dan Blanchette              USESAS
> 115.     45.00          Gregorio Impavido                  JB
> 116.     45.00               J. Sky David                  JB
> 117.     45.00         Stephen P. Jenkins             PGMHAZ8
> 118.     45.00        Sophia Rabe-Hesketh                 CME

> 119.     45.00               Patrick Joly              GCAUSE
> 120.     44.50           Antoine Terracol               SUTEX
> 121.     44.29         Christopher F Baum           PANELAUTO
> 122.     44.00            Nicholas J. Cox           TABLEPLOT
> 123.     44.00              Toru Taniuchi            KERNREG1
> 124.     44.00                 Xavi Ramos            KERNREG1
> 125.     44.00                Nick Winter               MKTAB
> 126.     44.00   Isaias H. Salgado-Ugarte            KERNREG1
> 127.     43.50             John Hendrickx                 MCL
> 128.     43.05            Nicholas J. Cox            EGENMORE
> 129.     43.00              Matteo Bottai               ROCSS
> 130.     43.00              David Clayton             HOTDECK
> 131.     43.00              Adrian Mander             HOTDECK
> 132.     43.00              Nicola Orsini               ROCSS
> 133.     42.50              Jeroen Weesie                 IIA
> 134.     42.00                 John Moran            STCOXGOF

> 135.     42.00              Enzo Coviello            STCOXGOF
> 136.     41.00               Paul H. Bern               HIREG
> 137.     40.50            Nicholas J. Cox             ORDPLOT
> 138.     40.00         Christopher F Baum            BETACOEF
> 139.     40.00              Jeroen Weesie               WHITE
> 140.     39.00          Jens M. Lauritsen             PYRAMID
> 141.     39.00            Nicholas J. Cox              MARKOV
> 142.     39.00            Nicholas J. Cox                HBAR
> 143.     38.50             Fred Zimmerman             SWITCHR
> 144.     38.50              Ulrich Kohler              BIPLOT
> 145.     38.00            Nicholas J. Cox                DUPS
> 146.     38.00         Christopher F Baum            ZANDREWS
> 147.     38.00                 Fred Wolfe                FSUM
> 148.     38.00            Thomas Steichen                DUPS
> 149.     38.00         Christopher F Baum                KPSS
> 150.     37.50         Christopher F Baum            OUTTABLE

> 151.     37.50               Roger Newson             PARMEST
> 152.     36.50         Christopher F Baum             AVPLOT3
> 153.     36.00            Steven Stillman            DMEXOGXT
> 154.     36.00         Stephen P. Jenkins              SPSURV
> 155.     36.00         Christopher F Baum            DMEXOGXT
> 156.     35.00            Vincent Kang Fu             GOLOGIT
> 157.     35.00                  Paul Seed                 CI2
> 158.     35.00             Dan Blanchette             ADOEDIT
> 159.     35.00        Stanislav Kolenikov              KDMANY
> 160.     35.00          Philippe Van Kerm            INEQUAL2
> (remaining 618 entries suppressed, but included in calculations below)
>                          author    npkghit
>    1.           Nicholas J. Cox    4592.00
>    2.        Christopher F Baum    3078.67
>    3.             Vince Wiggins     736.00
>    4.              Roger Newson     710.67
>    5.             Enzo Coviello     608.83
>    6.                Fred Wolfe     568.30

>    7.        Stephen P. Jenkins     500.00
>    8.           Steven Stillman     467.00
>    9.           Mark E Schaffer     451.00
>   10.              Patrick Joly     444.65
>   11.              Edwin Leuven     393.00
>   12.          John Luke Gallup     387.00
>   13.           Barbara Sianesi     382.67
>   14.           Thomas Steichen     346.48
>   15.             David Roodman     345.25
>   16.            Dan Blanchette     330.12
>   17.               Nick Winter     327.56
>   18.               Jan Brogger     323.30
>   19.       Sophia Rabe-Hesketh     317.00
>   20.             Adrian Mander     298.50
>   21.          Antoine Terracol     259.00
>   22.          Fabian Bornhorst     256.00
>   23.         Philippe Van Kerm     250.00
>   24.             Herve M. Caci     227.00
>   25.           Patrick Royston     221.35
>   26.             Jeroen Weesie     219.50
>   27.          Richard Sperling     215.00
>   28.           Michael Blasnik     206.50
>   29.             Zhiqiang Wang     163.00

>   30.              Ken Heinecke     159.67
>   31.         Joanne M. Garrett     155.00
>   32.            John Hendrickx     136.70
>   33.              Joseph Hilbe     131.33
>   34.               Philip Ryan     131.00
>   35.         Gregorio Impavido     122.00
>   36.       Stanislav Kolenikov     116.50
>   37.           Joseph Harkness     116.33
>   38.         Jens M. Lauritsen     115.00
>   39.           Philip B. Ender     114.00
>   40.          Jonah B. Gelbach     113.50
>   41.  Isaias H. Salgado-Ugarte     111.40
>   42.             Ulrich Kohler     108.17
>   43.                Ian Watson     106.83
>   44.            Charles Morris     105.67
>   45.                  Ben Jann     102.00
>   46.                Tony Brady     101.00
>   47.             Toru Taniuchi      95.00
>   48.        Joao Pedro Azevedo      93.50
>   49.             Jeremy Freese      93.00
>   50.             J. Scott Long      93.00
>   51.              Roger Aliaga      91.50
>   52.            Silvia Montoya      91.50

>   53.          William W. Gould      86.83
>   54.                 Paul Seed      86.50
>   55.              Bill Sribney      84.00
>   56.              Paul H. Bern      84.00
>   57.             Nicola Orsini      76.00
>   58.              J. Sky David      74.00
>   59.            Hilde Schaeper      73.00
>   60.        Lorenzo Cappellari      73.00
>   61.            Fred Zimmerman      72.50
>   62.          Michael Mitchell      72.00
>   63.              Gary Longton      70.00
>   64.                Rory Wolfe      68.00
>   65.              Mario Cleves      67.00
>   66.             Matteo Bottai      62.00
>   67.              D. H. Judson      60.33
>   68.             Mike Bradburn      56.25
>   69.                 Jon Deeks      56.25
>   70.               Doug Altman      56.25
>   71.              Aijing Shang      55.00
>   72.          David M. Drukker      52.00
>   73.            Aurelio Tobias      51.00
>   74.               Bill Rising      50.00
>   75.              Markus Gangl      49.00

>   76.              David Kantor      48.30
>   77.             Eileen Wright      47.30
>   78.            David E. Moore      47.00
>   79.                Xavi Ramos      44.00
>   80.          Abdel G. Babiker      43.00
>   81.             David Clayton      43.00
>   82.                John Moran      42.00
>   83.          Lee E. Sieswerda      36.00
>   84.           Vincent Kang Fu      35.00
>   85.           Jesper Sorensen      33.33
>   86.             Glenn Hoetker      33.00
>   87.          Guy D. van Melle      32.00
>   88.               Eduard Pelz      29.00
>   89.           John R. Gleason      27.00
>   90.                Tairi Room      27.00
>   91.            Kevin McKinney      26.00
>   92.          Richard Williams      26.00
>   93.   Jose Maria Sanchez Saez      26.00
>   94.             Peter Sasieni      26.00
>   95.       Desmond E. Williams      25.00
>   96.             Michael Hills      25.00
>   97.      Anders Alexandersson      24.67
>   98.                Svend Juul      24.00

>   99.         George M. Hoffman      22.00
> 100.            Kenneth Higbee      22.00
> 101.        Jesper B. Sorensen      21.00
> 102.           Jonathan Sterne      21.00
> 103.               Jisheng Cui      20.00
> 104.      Roberto G. Gutierrez      20.00
> 105.             Phil Bardsley      20.00
> 106.           Nicholas Oulton      20.00
> 107.               Jeph Herrin      19.00
> 108.             Hung-Jen Wang      19.00
> 109.              Allen Buxton      18.50
> 110.               Al Feiveson      16.50
> 111.            Makoto Shimizu      16.40
> 112.            Joseph Coveney      15.00
> 113.           Sean F. Reardon      15.00
> 115.                 Mark Lunt      14.00
> 116.         Richard Goldstein      13.00
> 117.             Stephen Soldz      12.00
> 118.              Philip Price      11.80
> 119.               John Carlin      11.00
> 120.             Svend Kreiner      11.00
> 121.          Joshua H. Sarver      11.00
> 122.       W. Dale Plummer Jr.      11.00

> 123.         William D. Dupont      11.00
> 124.              James Hardin      11.00
> 125.           James W. Hardin      10.75
> 126.               Dean Judson      10.50
> 127.           Henrik Stovring      10.00
> 128.            Gero Lipsmeier      10.00
> 129.                Ross Odell      10.00
> 130.      Kim Lyngby Mikkelsen      10.00
> 131.              Eric Zbinden       9.00
> 132.           Steffen Kuehnel       9.00
> 133.                  P.T.Seed       9.00
> 134.            Frauke Kreuter       8.50
> 135.            R. Allan Reese       7.33
> 136.            Carolyn Coffey       6.07
> 137.            John B. Carlin       6.07
> 138.                   Ning Li       6.07
> 139.       Bear F. Braumoeller       6.00
> 140.           E. Paul Wileyto       3.33
> --Kit
> *
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> *
> *

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--- End Message ---

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