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st: t: log-linear model

From   David Airey <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: t: log-linear model
Date   Sat, 13 Dec 2003 20:38:49 -0600

rghuang wrote:

i want to build a log-linear model, waht command should i use?
spss has general model,hierarchical model and logot model,but what corresponding commands does stata have?thank you.

and earlier:

if i want to use
ttesti #obs1 #mean1 #sd1 #obs2 #mean2 #sd2 or ttesti #obs #mean #sd
but i just don't know what sd is,just know should i do?
do i have to use display to compute sd first?or still have some other ways?
thank you.
There is much information on several statistical packages, including SPSS, at this site:


which covers log linear models for both packages.

If you are unfortunate enough to be stuck using Stata without manuals, this web site is your next best choice for instruction. Also, don't forget to visit the FAQ at

For ttesti, I think you are right. Display to calculate (variance)^0.5 = sd and then plug in the numbers.


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