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st: prtab

From   "daniela ferrante" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: prtab
Date   Mon, 25 Aug 2003 10:09:19 +0000

Dear Stata users,

I've got three variables: v12 v3 v6 that are categorical and each of them is classified in five categories.
I'd like to apply a multinomial logistic regression to predict the value of v12 given a value of v3 and v6.

I use:

mlogit v12 v3 v6
prtab v3 v6

I really can't understand the use of prtab. There are some cell that are blank but prtab gives a probability.
Does someone know something more about prtab and if mlogit is correct?

Thank very much


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