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st: slow graphics in Stata 8 (Mac)

From   Fernando Bea <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: slow graphics in Stata 8 (Mac)
Date   Fri, 24 Jan 2003 09:07:08 +0100

Does anyone suffer of terribly slow V. 8 graphics on the Mac?
On a G4 with MacOSX 10.2.3 it takes about 17 seconds to get the Twoway graph window once its was called from the pull-down menu. A simple graph (scatter a b) takes about 10 seconds to appear. Is this normal or is a problem on my computer?
Is there a way to speed up the new graphics engine?

Prof. Fernando Bea
Dept. Mineralogy and Petrology
Campus Fuentenueva, Univ. Granada
18002 Granada, Spain
phone: +34 958246176; fax: +34 958243368
e-mail: [email protected]

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