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st: generate variance variable

From   Jan Bayer <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: generate variance variable
Date   Tue, 17 Dec 2002 13:07:18 +0100

Hi List,

We have repeatedly determined a whole bunch of "phenotypic measures" on a group of individuals, over a period of three years now. I would like to use Stata to perform analyses of the data, but I'm a real newbee.

In my datalist I have one line per subject (individual) for every single time the individual was tested. In columns, I have the numerical values for the different phenotypic measures. The same subject (individual) does show up several times in the datalist (several lines), and therefore, for every subject we have multiple independent determinations of the same phenotypic values.

Is it possible to generate new variables containing the variance of the measurements, per subject (individual) ?

I hope you can give me some clues ...


Jan Bayer, Ph.D. Fondation Jean Dausset - CEPH Email : [email protected]
27, Rue Juliette Dodu Tel : +33 1 53 72 51 14
75010 Paris, France Fax : +33 1 53 72 51 28

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