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st: Reshape from wide to long with some missing observations

From   "Sayer, Bryan" <[email protected]>
To   "@StataList (E-mail)" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Reshape from wide to long with some missing observations
Date   Mon, 30 Sep 2002 16:52:18 -0400

I have a wide dateset of individual subjects with up to six exams.  I am
reshaping to long form, but I only want to include those exams with actual
data (it seems that some inconsiderate subjects died before the end of the
study...).  Anyway, is there an option to only include in the output
observations that have data for varlist that I am missing?  If not, what is
a good solution for dropping the observations with missing data?


Bryan Sayer
Statistician, SSS Inc.
[email protected]
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